No Matches
Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >, including all inherited members.

abs() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
adjoint() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
asArray() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
asDiagonalMatrix() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
cMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
column(int c) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
columns()Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inlinestatic
conj() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
dagger() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
det() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
det_laplace() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
det_lu() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
diagonal()Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
dot(const Matrix< p, q, S > &rhs) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
e(const int i, const int j) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
e(const int i) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
eigen_hermitean(DiagonalMatrix< n, Et > &eigenvalues, Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &eigenvectors, enum hila::sort sorted=hila::sort::unsorted) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
eigen_hermitean(enum hila::sort sorted=hila::sort::unsorted) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
fill(const S rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
gaussian_random(double width=1.0)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
imag() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
is_square()Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inlinestatic
is_vector()Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inlinestatic
Matrix_t()=defaultMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
max() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
min() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
mul_trace(const Matrix_t< p, q, S, MT > &rm) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
mult_by_2x2_left(int p, int q, const Matrix_t< 2, 2, R, Mt > &M)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
mult_by_2x2_right(int p, int q, const Matrix_t< 2, 2, R, Mt > &M)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
norm() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator!=(const Matrix< n, m, S > &rhs) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator*(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator*(const Matrix< 1, m, T1 > &A, const Matrix< n, 1, T2 > &B)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
operator*(const Mt &mat, const S &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator*(const S &rhs, const Mt &mat)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator*=(const Matrix_t< m, p, S, MT > &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator*=(const S rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator*=(const DiagonalMatrix< m, S > &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator+() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator+(const Mtype1 &a, const Mtype2 &b)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator+(const Mtype &a, const S &b)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator+(const S &b, const Mtype &a)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator+=(const Matrix_t< n, m, S, MT > &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator+=(const S &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator+=(const DiagonalMatrix< n, S > &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator-() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator-(const Mtype1 &a, const Mtype2 &b)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator-(const Mtype &a, const S &b)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator-(const S &b, const Mtype &a)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator-=(const Matrix_t< n, m, S, MT > &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator-=(const S rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator-=(const DiagonalMatrix< n, S > &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator/(const Mt &mat, const S &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator/=(const S rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator/=(const DiagonalMatrix< m, S > &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator=(const Matrix_t< n, m, S, MT > &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator=(const std::nullptr_t &z)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator=(const S rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator=(const DiagonalMatrix< n, S > &rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator=(std::initializer_list< S > rhs)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator==(const Matrix< n, m, S > &rhs) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
operator[](const int i) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
outer_product(const Matrix< p, q, S > &rhs) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
permute(const Vector< N, int > &permutation) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
permute_columns(const Vector< m, int > &permutation) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
permute_rows(const Vector< n, int > &permutation) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
random()Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
real() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
row(int r) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
rows()Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inlinestatic
set_column(int c, const Vector< n, S > &v)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
set_diagonal(const Vector< n, S > &v)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
set_row(int r, const RowVector< m, S > &v)Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
size()Matrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inlinestatic
sort(Vector< N, int > &permutation, hila::sort order=hila::sort::ascending) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
sort(hila::sort order=hila::sort::ascending) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
squarenorm() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
str(int prec=8, char separator=' ') constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
svd(Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &_U, DiagonalMatrix< n, Et > &_D, Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &_V, enum hila::sort sorted=hila::sort::unsorted) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
svd(enum hila::sort sorted=hila::sort::unsorted) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
svd_pivot(Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &_U, DiagonalMatrix< n, Et > &_D, Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &_V, enum hila::sort sorted=hila::sort::unsorted) constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >
trace() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
transpose() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
transpose() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline
transpose() constMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype >inline