No Matches
Input Library

Class hila::input can be used to read parameters and other data for simulations. It matches key-value pairs from input files.

The available methods in the input class are:

As an example, if the file parameters.dat contains

# this is a comment
# Run parameters for run XYZ
lattice size 64, 64, 64, 128
beta 5.4
clover perturbative
loops 25000
seed 3474212
coefficients 0.5, 0.7, 0.85, 1.3, 1.6, 2
labels setA, setB, setC

then the values can be read as follows:

#include "hila.h"
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
// Open file to be read after hila::initialize
// Input object is initialized with file,
// that we want to read input data from
hila::input p("parameters.dat");
// Values are read in with hila::input.get as key value pairs
// Values seperated with a delimiter ',' are read in as initializer lists,
// thus the lattice size can be read into a CoordinateVector which supports
// initialization with {x,y,z,t}
CoordinateVector lsize = p.get("lattice size");
double beta = p.get("beta");
// For values that have variability in it's types one can use hila::input.get_item
// get_item allows the user to give a list of possible values for a given key.
// The user defines the list of possible values and get_item return's the index of the
// value found. In our case key:clover is paired with value:"perturbative", thus
// input::get_item will return 1. After this we define an if statement to handle all
// the possible situations depending on type.
// After get_item is used the value assigned to the key:"clover" can be retrieved by
// input::get() without argument.
int i = p.get_item("clover",{"tree","perturbative","%f"});
double clover;
if (i == 0)
clover = 1;
else if (i == 1)
clover = <perturbative expression>;
clover = p.get(); // the number is read here without key argument
int loops = p.get("loops");
long rng_seed = p.get("seed");
// Similarly as above with the CoordinateVector we can read in "," seperated lists
// into std:vector. Below we read in the 6 doubles assigned to the key "coefficients"
std::vector<double> run_coefficients = p.get("coefficients");
// Reading in std::string type also works as expected.
std::vector<std::string> labels = p.get("labels");
// Lastly we close the file. Though the file will close automatically when the input
// object get's out of scope
// lattice setup is convenient to do after parameters have been read
hila::input - Class for parsing runtime parameter files.
Definition input.h:52
void setup(const CoordinateVector &siz)
General lattice setup.
Definition lattice.cpp:33
void initialize(int argc, char **argv)
Read in command line arguments. Initialise default stream and MPI communication.

For more detailed description on the methods see hila::input class