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Divide MPI processes into independent partitions

Divide MPI processes into partitions

With the command (assuming mpirun is used in the system)

mpirun -np <N_nodes> <hila-program-name> -partitions <N_partitions>

divides the N_nodes MPI processes into N_partitions sets, which start running independent lattice streams. The run output is in subdirectories partition0, partition1, ... .

The subdirectories are created if they do not exist before the run. Subdirectories may contain their own parameter files, starting configurations etc. If the input parameter files do not exist in the subdirectories, it is searched for on the parent directory.

Random number seeds are offset for each partition stream, ensuring different sequences.

NOTE: N_nodes must be divisible by N_partitions.

NOTE: At the end of the run, partitions wait for each other to finish before exiting. Thus, the computational load should be approximately equal for each partition for optimal use of computing time.

Subdirectories can be given different prefix name with command

mpirun -np <N_nodes> <hila-program-name> -partitions <N_partitions> <directory-prefix>

Example use case: batch system provides GPU resources in units of 8 GPUs (e.g. one full physical node). However, the task runs optimally on 2 GPUs. Using partitions 8 GPUs can be split into 4 independent runs.