No Matches
Field< T > Class Template Reference

The field class implements the standard methods for accessing Fields. Hilapp replaces the parity access patterns, Field[par] with a loop over the appropriate sites. Since the Field class is one of the more important functionalities of HILA, extensive general instructions on the Field class can be read at HILA Functionality documentation. More...

#include <field.h>

Public Member Functions

void check_alloc ()
 Allocate Field if it is not already allocated.
Field< T > conj () const
 Returns field with all elements conjugated depending how conjugate is defined for type.
template<typename A >
void copy_boundary_condition (const Field< A > &rhs)
 Copy the boundary condition from another field.
template<typename R = T, typename A = decltype(::dagger(std::declval<R>()))>
Field< A > dagger () const
 Returns dagger or Hermitian conjugate of Field depending on how it is defined for Field type T.
Field< T > FFT (const CoordinateVector &dirs, fft_direction fdir=fft_direction::forward) const
 Field method for performing FFT.
Field< Complex< hila::arithmetic_type< T > > > FFT_real_to_complex (fft_direction fdir=fft_direction::forward) const
 Field ()
 Field constructor.
void free ()
 Destroys field data.
hila::bc get_boundary_condition (Direction dir) const
 Get the boundary condition of the Field.
const T get_element (const CoordinateVector &coord) const
 Get singular element which will be broadcast to all nodes.
std::vector< T > get_elements (const std::vector< CoordinateVector > &coord_list, bool broadcast=false) const
 Get a list of elements and store them into a vector.
std::vector< T > get_slice (const CoordinateVector &c, bool broadcast=false) const
 Get a slice (subvolume)
std::vector< T > get_subvolume (const CoordinateVector &cmin, const CoordinateVector &cmax, bool broadcast=false) const
 Get a subvolume of the field elements to all nodes.
auto get_value_at (const unsigned i) const
 Get an individual element outside a loop. This is also used as a getter in the vanilla code.
gpu_minmax (bool min_or_max, Parity par, CoordinateVector &loc) const
 Declare gpu_reduce here, defined only for GPU targets.
template<typename R = T, typename A = decltype(::imag(std::declval<R>()))>
Field< A > imag () const
 Returns imaginary part of Field.
bool is_allocated () const
 Returns true if the Field data has been allocated.
bool is_initialized (Parity p) const
 Returns true if the Field has been assigned to.
minmax (bool is_min, Parity par, CoordinateVector &loc) const
 Function to perform min or max operations.
double norm ()
template<typename A , typename B , std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< hila::type_mul< A, B >, A >::value &&!std::is_same< hila::type_mul< A, B >, B >::value, int > = 0>
auto operator* (const Field< A > &lhs, const Field< B > &rhs) -> Field< hila::type_mul< A, B > >
 Multiplication operator.
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< hila::type_mul< T, A >, T >::value, int > = 0>
Field< T > & operator*= (const Field< A > &rhs)
 Product assignment operator.
Field< T > operator+ () const
 Summation operator.
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< hila::type_plus< T, A >, T >::value, int > = 0>
Field< T > & operator+= (const Field< A > &rhs)
 Addition assignment operator.
Field< T > operator- () const
 Subtraction operator.
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< hila::type_minus< T, A >, T >::value, int > = 0>
Field< T > & operator-= (const Field< A > &rhs)
 Subtraction assignment operator.
template<typename A , typename B , std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< hila::type_div< A, B >, A >::value &&!std::is_same< hila::type_div< A, B >, B >::value, int > = 0>
auto operator/ (const Field< A > &l, const Field< B > &r) -> Field< hila::type_div< A, B > >
 Division operator.
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< hila::type_div< T, A >, T >::value, int > = 0>
Field< T > & operator/= (const Field< A > &rhs)
 Division assignment operator.
Field< T > & operator= (const Field< T > &rhs)
 Assignment operator.
Field< T > & operator= (Field< T > &&rhs)
 Move Assignment.
bool operator== (const Field< T > &rhs) const
 Field comparison operator.
product (Parity par=Parity::all, bool allreduce=true) const
 Product reduction of Field.
void read (std::ifstream &inputfile)
 Read the Field from a stream.
template<typename R = T, typename A = decltype(::real(std::declval<R>()))>
Field< A > real () const
 Returns real part of Field.
Field< T > reflect (const CoordinateVector &dirs) const
 Reflect the Field around the desired axis.
void set_boundary_condition (Direction dir, hila::bc bc)
 Set the boundary condition in a given Direction (periodic or antiperiodic)
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_assignable< T &, A >::value, int > = 0>
const T set_element (const CoordinateVector &coord, const A &value)
 Get singular element which will be broadcast to all nodes.
template<typename A >
void set_value_at (const A &value, unsigned i)
 Set an individual element outside a loop. This is also used as a getter in the vanilla code.
Field< T > & shift (const CoordinateVector &v, Field< T > &r, Parity par) const
 Create a periodically shifted copy of the field.
double squarenorm () const
dir_mask_t start_gather (Direction d, Parity p=ALL) const
sum (Parity par=Parity::all, bool allreduce=true) const
 Sum reduction of Field.
void write (const std::string &filename, bool binary=true, int precision=8) const
 Write the Field to a named file replacing the file.
void write (std::ofstream &outputfile, bool binary=true, int precision=8) const
 Write the field to a file stream.
void write_subvolume (std::ofstream &outputfile, const CoordinateVector &cmin, const CoordinateVector &cmax, int precision=6) const
Min functions

Minimum value of Field. If CoordinateVector is passed to function then location of minimum value will be stored in said CoordinateVector

T Minimum value of Field
min (Parity par=ALL) const
 Find minimum value from Field.
min (CoordinateVector &loc) const
 Find minimum value and location from Field.
min (Parity par, CoordinateVector &loc) const
 Find minimum value and location from Field.
Max functions

Maximum value of Field. If CoordinateVector is passed to function then location of maximum value will be stored in said CoordinateVector

T Minimum value of Field
max (Parity par=ALL) const
 Find maximum value from Field.
max (CoordinateVector &loc) const
 Find maximum value and location from Field.
max (Parity par, CoordinateVector &loc) const
 Find maximum value and location from Field.

Public Attributes

field_struct *__restrict__ fs
 Field::fs holds all of the field content in Field::field_struct.

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

Mathematical methods.
Template Parameters
TField element type of arg
RField return type
arginput Field

See field documentation

template<typename T , typename R = decltype(exp(std::declval<T>()))>
Field< R > exp (const Field< T > &arg)
template<typename T , typename R = decltype(log(std::declval<T>()))>
Field< R > log (const Field< T > &arg)
template<typename T , typename R = decltype(sin(std::declval<T>()))>
Field< R > sin (const Field< T > &arg)
template<typename T , typename R = decltype(cos(std::declval<T>()))>
Field< R > cos (const Field< T > &arg)
template<typename T , typename R = decltype(tan(std::declval<T>()))>
Field< R > tan (const Field< T > &arg)
template<typename T , typename R = decltype(asin(std::declval<T>()))>
Field< R > asin (const Field< T > &arg)
template<typename T , typename R = decltype(acos(std::declval<T>()))>
Field< R > acos (const Field< T > &arg)
template<typename T , typename R = decltype(atan(std::declval<T>()))>
Field< R > atan (const Field< T > &arg)
template<typename T , typename R = decltype(abs(std::declval<T>()))>
Field< R > abs (const Field< T > &arg)
 Absolute value.
template<typename T , typename P , typename R = decltype(pow(std::declval<T>()), std::declval<P>())>
Field< R > pow (const Field< T > &arg, const P p)
template<typename T >
double squarenorm (const Field< T > &arg)
 Squared norm \(|f|^2\).
template<typename A , typename B , typename R = decltype(std::declval<A>() - std::declval<B>())>
double squarenorm_relative (const Field< A > &a, const Field< B > &b)
 Squarenorm relative \(|a-b|^2\).

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class Field< T >

The field class implements the standard methods for accessing Fields. Hilapp replaces the parity access patterns, Field[par] with a loop over the appropriate sites. Since the Field class is one of the more important functionalities of HILA, extensive general instructions on the Field class can be read at HILA Functionality documentation.

The Field class contains member functions used by hilapp, which are marked internal, as well as members that are useful for application developers.

The Field mainly implements the interface to the Field and not the content.

The Field contains a pointer to Field::field_struct, which implements MPI communication of the Field boundaries. Though generally the application developer does not need to worry about the Field::field_struct class, hence it is marked as internal and it's documentation cannot be viewed in the Web documentation.

The Field::field_struct points to a field_storage, which is defined by each backend. It implements storing and accessing the Field data, including buffers for storing haloes returned from MPI communication.

Template Parameters
TField content type

Definition at line 61 of file field.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Field()

template<typename T >
Field< T >::Field ( )

Field constructor.

The following ways of constructing a Field object are:

Default constructor:

Assigns Field::fs to nullptr.

The field class implements the standard methods for accessing Fields. Hilapp replaces the parity acce...
Definition field.h:61

Copy constructor:

Copy from already existing field of similar type if conversion exists. For example for float to double.

Assignment from constant constructor:

Assign constant to field if conversion exists.

. Let a be a constant of type MyType1
Field<MyType2> f = a;

Definition at line 277 of file field.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ check_alloc()

template<typename T >
void Field< T >::check_alloc ( )

Allocate Field if it is not already allocated.

Check that Field is allocated, and if not do it (if not const). Must be called before the var is actually used. "hilapp" will generate these calls as needed!

If Field is const assert that the Field is allocated.

Definition at line 459 of file field.h.

◆ conj()

template<typename T >
Field< T > Field< T >::conj ( ) const

Returns field with all elements conjugated depending how conjugate is defined for type.


Definition at line 1147 of file field.h.

◆ copy_boundary_condition()

template<typename T >
template<typename A >
void Field< T >::copy_boundary_condition ( const Field< A > &  rhs)

Copy the boundary condition from another field.

Template Parameters
Athe type of the field which we are copying from
rhsthe ohter Field

Definition at line 650 of file field.h.

◆ dagger()

template<typename T >
template<typename R = T, typename A = decltype(::dagger(std::declval<R>()))>
Field< A > Field< T >::dagger ( ) const

Returns dagger or Hermitian conjugate of Field depending on how it is defined for Field type T.


Definition at line 1160 of file field.h.

◆ FFT()

template<typename T >
Field< T > Field< T >::FFT ( const CoordinateVector dirs,
fft_direction  fftdir = fft_direction::forward 
) const

Field method for performing FFT.

By default calling without arguments will execute FFT in all directions.

. // Field f is defined
auto res = f.FFT() //Forward transform
auto res_2 = res.FFT(fft_direction::back) // res_2 is same as f

One can also specify the direction of the FFT with a coordinate vector:

. // Field f is defined
auto res = f.FFT(e_x) //Forward transform in x-direction
auto res_2 = res.FFT(e_X,fft_direction::back) // res_2 is same as f

With this in mind f.FFT(e_x+e_y+e_z) = f.FFT()

Template Parameters
dirsDirection to perform FFT in, default is all directions
fftdirfft_direction::forward (default) or fft_direction::back
Field<T> Transformed field

Definition at line 444 of file fft.h.

◆ FFT_real_to_complex()

template<typename T >
Field< Complex< hila::arithmetic_type< T > > > Field< T >::FFT_real_to_complex ( fft_direction  fftdir = fft_direction::forward) const

FFT_real_to_complex: Field must be a real-valued field, result is a complex-valued field of the same type Implemented just by doing a FFT with a complex field with im=0; fft_direction::back gives a complex conjugate of the forward transform Result is f(-x) = f(L - x) = f(x)^*

Definition at line 467 of file fft.h.

◆ free()

template<typename T >
void Field< T >::free ( )

Destroys field data.

don't call destructors when exiting - either MPI or cuda can already be off.

Definition at line 407 of file field.h.

◆ get_boundary_condition()

template<typename T >
hila::bc Field< T >::get_boundary_condition ( Direction  dir) const

Get the boundary condition of the Field.

dirBoundary condition in certain direction
hila::bc The boundary condition of the Field

Definition at line 626 of file field.h.

◆ get_element()

template<typename T >
const T Field< T >::get_element ( const CoordinateVector coord) const

Get singular element which will be broadcast to all nodes.

coordcoordinate of fetched element
const T

Definition at line 1258 of file field.h.

◆ get_value_at()

template<typename T >
auto Field< T >::get_value_at ( const unsigned  i) const

Get an individual element outside a loop. This is also used as a getter in the vanilla code.


Definition at line 684 of file field.h.

◆ imag()

template<typename T >
template<typename R = T, typename A = decltype(::imag(std::declval<R>()))>
Field< A > Field< T >::imag ( ) const

Returns imaginary part of Field.

Template Parameters
RField current type
AField imaginary part type

Definition at line 1188 of file field.h.

◆ is_allocated()

template<typename T >
bool Field< T >::is_allocated ( ) const

Returns true if the Field data has been allocated.


Definition at line 422 of file field.h.

◆ is_initialized()

template<typename T >
bool Field< T >::is_initialized ( Parity  p) const

Returns true if the Field has been assigned to.

pField parity

Definition at line 431 of file field.h.

◆ norm()

template<typename T >
double Field< T >::norm ( )


Norm of Field depending on how it is defined for Field type T

\(|f| = \sqrt{\sum_{\forall x \in f} |x|^2}\)

If norm is defined for type T then the definition can be seen on the types documentation page.


Definition at line 1138 of file field.h.

◆ operator*()

template<typename A , typename B , std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< hila::type_mul< A, B >, A >::value &&!std::is_same< hila::type_mul< A, B >, B >::value, int > = 0>
auto operator* ( const Field< A > &  lhs,
const Field< B > &  rhs 
) -> Field<hila::type_mul<A, B>>

Multiplication operator.

Multiplication operator can be called in the following ways as long as types are convertible.

Multiplication with field:

. . .
f = f * g;

Multiplication with scalar:

. . .
f = f * a;
f = a * f;
Complex definition.
Definition cmplx.h:50
Template Parameters
AType of lhs Field
BType of rhs field
lhsFirst (left) Field
rhsSecond (right) Field
Field<hila::type_plus<A, B>> Multiplied Field

Definition at line 1689 of file field.h.

◆ operator*=()

template<typename T >
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< hila::type_mul< T, A >, T >::value, int > = 0>
Field< T > & Field< T >::operator*= ( const Field< A > &  rhs)

Product assignment operator.

Product assignment operator can be called in the following ways as long as types are convertible.

Product assignment with field:

. . .
f *= g;

Product assignment with scalar:

. . .
f *= a;
Template Parameters
AType of r.h.s element
rhsField to compute product with

Definition at line 907 of file field.h.

◆ operator+()

template<typename T >
Field< T > operator+ ( ) const

Summation operator.

Summation operator can be called in the following ways as long as types are convertible.

unary operator:

Acts as identity of field

. . .
f = +f;

Summation with field:

. . .
f = f + g;

Summation with scalar:

. . .
f = f + a;
Template Parameters
AType of lhs Field
BType of rhs field
lhsFirst (left) Field
rhsSecond (right) Field
Field<hila::type_plus<A, B>> Summed Field

Definition at line 1046 of file field.h.

◆ operator+=()

template<typename T >
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< hila::type_plus< T, A >, T >::value, int > = 0>
Field< T > & Field< T >::operator+= ( const Field< A > &  rhs)

Addition assignment operator.

Addition assignmen operator can be called in the following ways as long as types are convertible.

Addition assignment with field:

. . .
f += g;

Addition assignment with scalar:

. . .
f += a;
Template Parameters
AType of r.h.s element
rhsField to sum

Definition at line 841 of file field.h.

◆ operator-()

template<typename T >
Field< T > operator- ( ) const

Subtraction operator.

Subtraction operator can be called in the following ways as long as types are convertible.

unary operator:

Acts as negation of field

Subtraction with field:

. . .
f = f - g;

Subtraction with scalar:

. . .
f = f - a;
f = a - f;
Template Parameters
AType of lhs Field
BType of rhs field
lhsFirst (left) Field
rhsSecond (right) Field
Field<hila::type_plus<A, B>> Subtracted Field

Definition at line 1090 of file field.h.

◆ operator-=()

template<typename T >
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< hila::type_minus< T, A >, T >::value, int > = 0>
Field< T > & Field< T >::operator-= ( const Field< A > &  rhs)

Subtraction assignment operator.

Subtraction assignment operator can be called in the following ways as long as types are convertible.

Subtraction assignment with field:

. . .
f -= g;

Subtraction assignment with scalar:

. . .
f -= a;
Template Parameters
AType of r.h.s element
rhsField to subtract

Definition at line 874 of file field.h.

◆ operator/()

template<typename A , typename B , std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< hila::type_div< A, B >, A >::value &&!std::is_same< hila::type_div< A, B >, B >::value, int > = 0>
auto operator/ ( const Field< A > &  l,
const Field< B > &  r 
) -> Field<hila::type_div<A, B>>

Division operator.

Division operator can be called in the following ways as long as types are convertible.

Division with field:

. . .
f = f / g;

Division with scalar:

. . .
f = f / a;
f = a / f;
Template Parameters
AType of lhs Field
BType of rhs field
lhsFirst (left) Field
rhsSecond (right) Field
Field<hila::type_plus<A, B>> Subtracted Field

Definition at line 1786 of file field.h.

◆ operator/=()

template<typename T >
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< hila::type_div< T, A >, T >::value, int > = 0>
Field< T > & Field< T >::operator/= ( const Field< A > &  rhs)

Division assignment operator.

Division assignment operator can be called in the following ways as long as types are convertible.

Division assignment with field:

. . .
f /= g;

Division assignment with scalar:

. . .
f /= a;
Template Parameters
AType of r.h.s element
rhsField to divide with

Definition at line 940 of file field.h.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Field< T > & Field< T >::operator= ( const Field< T > &  rhs)

Assignment operator.

Assignment can be performed in the following ways:

Assignment from field:

Assignment from field is possible if types are the same or convertible

f = g;

Assignment from scalar:

Assignment from scalar is possible if scalar is convertible to Field type

f = a; // a is a scalar
Field<T>& Assigned field

Definition at line 749 of file field.h.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Field< T > & Field< T >::operator= ( Field< T > &&  rhs)

Move Assignment.


Definition at line 804 of file field.h.

◆ operator==()

template<typename T >
bool Field< T >::operator== ( const Field< T > &  rhs) const

Field comparison operator.

Computes squarenorm of difference of two fields and checks if squarenorm is less than tolerance epsilon=0.

rhsField to compare Field with

Definition at line 1105 of file field.h.

◆ product()

template<typename T >
T Field< T >::product ( Parity  par = Parity::all,
bool  allreduce = true 
) const

Product reduction of Field.

The product in the reduction is defined by the Field type T.

allreduceSwitch to turn on or off MPI allreduce
T Field element type reduced to one element

Definition at line 306 of file reduction.h.

◆ real()

template<typename T >
template<typename R = T, typename A = decltype(::real(std::declval<R>()))>
Field< A > Field< T >::real ( ) const

Returns real part of Field.

Template Parameters
RField current type
AField real part type

Definition at line 1174 of file field.h.

◆ reflect()

template<typename T >
Field< T > Field< T >::reflect ( const CoordinateVector dirs) const

Reflect the Field around the desired axis.

Field<T>::reflect() reflects the field around the desired axis This is here because it uses similar communications as fft TODO: refactorise so that there is separate "make columns" class!

Can be called in the following ways:

Reflect on all axes:

Template Parameters

Definition at line 582 of file fft.h.

◆ set_boundary_condition()

template<typename T >
void Field< T >::set_boundary_condition ( Direction  dir,
hila::bc  bc 

Set the boundary condition in a given Direction (periodic or antiperiodic)

dirDirection of boundary condition
bcField boundary condition

Definition at line 580 of file field.h.

◆ set_element()

template<typename T >
template<typename A , std::enable_if_t< std::is_assignable< T &, A >::value, int > = 0>
const T Field< T >::set_element ( const CoordinateVector coord,
const A &  value 

Get singular element which will be broadcast to all nodes.

Set a single element. Assuming that each node calls this with the same value, it is sufficient to set the element locally

Works as long as value type A and field type T match

Template Parameters
coordCoordinate of element to be set
valueValue to be set
const T

Definition at line 1241 of file field.h.

◆ set_value_at()

template<typename T >
template<typename A >
void Field< T >::set_value_at ( const A &  value,
unsigned  i 

Set an individual element outside a loop. This is also used as a getter in the vanilla code.


Definition at line 709 of file field.h.

◆ shift()

template<typename T >
Field< T > & Field< T >::shift ( const CoordinateVector v,
Field< T > &  r,
Parity  par 
) const

Create a periodically shifted copy of the field.

this is currently OK only for short moves, very inefficient for longer moves

. //Field<MyType> f is defined
CoordinateVector v = {1,1,0}
f.shift(v) // Shift all elements of field once in the x direction and once in the y direction
f.shift(v,EVEN) // Shift all EVEN elements of field once in the x direction and once in the y
constexpr Parity EVEN
bit pattern: 001
Field<T>& returns a reference to res

Definition at line 162 of file field_comm.h.

◆ squarenorm()

template<typename T >
double Field< T >::squarenorm ( ) const


Squarenorm of Field \(f\) is dependent on how it is defined for Field type T.

\(|f|^2 = \sum_{\forall x \in f} |x|^2\)

If squarenorm is defined for type T then the definition can be seen on the types documentation page.


Definition at line 1120 of file field.h.

◆ start_gather()

template<typename T >
dir_mask_t Field< T >::start_gather ( Direction  d,
Parity  p = ALL 
) const

start_gather(): Communicate the field at Parity par from Direction d. Uses accessors to prevent dependency on the layout. return the Direction mask bits where something is happening

Definition at line 262 of file field_comm.h.

◆ sum()

template<typename T >
T Field< T >::sum ( Parity  par = Parity::all,
bool  allreduce = true 
) const

Sum reduction of Field.

The sum in the reduction is defined by the Field type T

allreduceSwitch to turn on or off MPI allreduce
T Field element type reduced to one element

Definition at line 296 of file reduction.h.

◆ write_subvolume()

template<typename T >
void Field< T >::write_subvolume ( std::ofstream &  outputfile,
const CoordinateVector cmin,
const CoordinateVector cmax,
int  precision = 6 
) const

Write a "subspace" of the original lattice Each element is written on a single line TODO: more formatting?

Definition at line 215 of file field_io.h.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ pow()

template<typename T , typename P , typename R = decltype(pow(std::declval<T>()), std::declval<P>())>
Field< R > pow ( const Field< T > &  arg,
const P  p 


pexponent to which Field element is raised to.

Definition at line 1994 of file field.h.

◆ squarenorm_relative()

template<typename A , typename B , typename R = decltype(std::declval<A>() - std::declval<B>())>
double squarenorm_relative ( const Field< A > &  a,
const Field< B > &  b 

Squarenorm relative \(|a-b|^2\).

Template Parameters
AElement type of Field a
BElement type of Field b
aField a
bField b

Definition at line 2050 of file field.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fs

template<typename T >
field_struct* __restrict__ Field< T >::fs

Field::fs holds all of the field content in Field::field_struct.

The field_struct class is nonetheless marked as internal so the user need not worry about it.

Definition at line 243 of file field.h.

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