No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * @file matrix.h
3 * @brief Definition of Matrix types
4 * @details This file contains base matrix type Matrix_t which defines all general matrix type
5 * operations Matrix types are Matrix, #Vector, #RowVector, #SquareMatrix of which Matrix is defined
6 * as a class and the rest are special cases of the Matrix class.
7 *
8 */
10#ifndef MATRIX_H_
11#define MATRIX_H_
13#include <type_traits>
14#include <sstream>
15#include "plumbing/defs.h"
16#include "datatypes/cmplx.h"
18// forward definitions of needed classes
19template <const int n, const int m, typename T, typename Mtype>
20class Matrix_t;
22template <const int n, const int m, typename T = double>
23class Array;
25template <int n, int m, typename T>
26class Matrix;
28template <int n, typename T>
29class DiagonalMatrix;
32 * @brief Vector is defined as 1-column Matrix
33 */
34template <int n, typename T>
38 * @brief RowVector is a 1-row Matrix
39 */
40template <int n, typename T>
44 * @brief Square matrix is defined as alias with special case of Matrix<n,n,T>
45 */
46template <int n, typename T>
49// template <const int n, const int m, typename T>
50// class DaggerMatrix;
52// Special case - m.column(), column of a matrix (not used now)
53// #include "matrix_column.h"
56/// @brief type to store the return combo of svd:
57/// {U, D, V} where U and V are nxn unitary / orthogonal,
58/// and D is real diagonal singular value matrices.
59/// @tparam M - type of input matrix
60template <typename M>
61struct svd_result {
62 static_assert(M::is_matrix() && M::rows() == M::columns(), "SVD only for square matrix");
63 M U;
64 DiagonalMatrix<M::size(), hila::arithmetic_type<M>> singularvalues;
65 M V;
68/// @brief type to store the return value of eigen_hermitean():
69/// {E, U} where E is nxn DiagonalMatrix containing eigenvalues and
70/// U nxn unitary matrix, with eigenvector columns
71/// @tparam M - type of input matrix
72template <typename M>
74 static_assert(M::is_matrix() && M::rows() == M::columns(),
75 "Eigenvalues only for square matrix");
76 DiagonalMatrix<M::size(), hila::arithmetic_type<M>> eigenvalues;
77 M eigenvectors;
81 * @brief The main \f$ n \times m \f$ matrix type template Matrix_t. This is a base class type for
82 * "useful" types which are derived from this.
83 *
84 * @details Uses curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP), where the last template parameter is
85 * the template itself
86 *
87 * Example: the Matrix type below is defined as
88 * @code{.cpp}
89 * template <int n, int m, typename T>
90 * class Matrix : public Matrix_t<n, m, T, Matrix<n, m, T>> { .. }
91 * @endcode
92 *
93 * This pattern is used because stupid c++ makes it complicated to write generic code, in this case
94 * derived functions to return derived type
95 *
96 * @tparam n Number of rows
97 * @tparam m Number of columns
98 * @tparam T Matrix element type
99 * @tparam Mtype Specific "Matrix" type for CRTP
100 */
102// Helper struct for getting the floating point number epsilons without
103// having to use std::numeric_limits .
105template <const int n, const int m, typename T, typename Mtype>
106class Matrix_t {
108 public:
109 /// The data as a one dimensional array
110 T c[n * m];
112 public:
114 "Matrix requires Complex or arithmetic type");
116 // std incantation for field types
117 using base_type = hila::arithmetic_type<T>;
118 using argument_type = T;
120 // help for templates, can use T::is_matrix()
121 // Not very useful outside template parameters
122 static constexpr bool is_matrix() {
123 return true;
124 }
126 /**
127 * @brief Returns true if Matrix is a vector
128 *
129 * @return true
130 * @return false
131 */
132 static constexpr bool is_vector() {
133 return (n == 1 || m == 1);
134 }
136 /**
137 * @brief Returns true if matrix is a square matrix
138 *
139 * @return true
140 * @return false
141 */
142 static constexpr bool is_square() {
143 return (n == m);
144 }
146 /// Define default constructors to ensure std::is_trivial
147 // Move constructor not needed
148 Matrix_t() = default;
149 ~Matrix_t() = default;
150 Matrix_t(const Matrix_t &v) = default;
152 // constructor from scalar -- keep it explicit! Not good for auto use
153 // NOTE: I forgot why this should be kept explicit
154 template <typename S, int nn = n, int mm = m,
155 std::enable_if_t<(hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value && nn == mm), int> = 0>
156 explicit inline Matrix_t(const S rhs) {
157 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
158 for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
159 if (i == j)
160 e(i, j) = rhs;
161 else
162 e(i, j) = 0;
163 }
164 }
166 // Construct from a different type matrix
167 template <typename S, typename MT,
168 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
169 Matrix_t(const Matrix_t<n, m, S, MT> &rhs) out_only {
170 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
171 c[i] = rhs.c[i];
172 }
173 }
175 // construct from 0
176 inline Matrix_t(const std::nullptr_t &z) {
177 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
178 c[i] = 0;
179 }
180 }
182 // Construct matrix automatically from right-size initializer list
183 // This does not seem to be dangerous, so keep non-explicit
184 template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
185 inline Matrix_t(std::initializer_list<S> rhs) {
186 assert(rhs.size() == n * m &&
187 "Matrix/Vector initializer list size must match variable size");
188 int i = 0;
189 for (auto it = rhs.begin(); it != rhs.end(); it++, i++) {
190 c[i] = *it;
191 }
192 }
194 // cast to curious type
196 template <typename Tm = Mtype,
197 std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<Tm, Matrix<n, m, T>>::value, int> = 0>
198 inline operator Mtype &() {
199 return *reinterpret_cast<Mtype *>(this);
200 }
203 template <typename Tm = Mtype,
204 std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<Tm, Matrix<n, m, T>>::value, int> = 0>
205 inline operator const Mtype &() const {
206 return *reinterpret_cast<const Mtype *>(this);
207 }
209 // automatically cast to generic matrix
211 inline operator Matrix<n, m, T> &() {
212 return *reinterpret_cast<Matrix<n, m, T> *>(this);
213 }
215 inline operator const Matrix<n, m, T> &() const {
216 return *reinterpret_cast<const Matrix<n, m, T> *>(this);
217 }
219 /// Define constant methods rows(), columns() - may be useful in template code
221 /**
222 * @brief Returns row length
223 *
224 * @return constexpr int
225 */
226 static constexpr int rows() {
227 return n;
228 }
229 /**
230 * @brief Returns column length
231 *
232 * @return constexpr int
233 */
234 static constexpr int columns() {
235 return m;
236 }
239 /**
240 * @brief Returns size of #Vector or square Matrix
241 *
242 * @tparam q row size n
243 * @tparam p column size m
244 * @return constexpr int
245 */
246 // size for row vector
247 template <int q = n, int p = m, std::enable_if_t<q == 1, int> = 0>
248 static constexpr int size() {
249 return p;
250 }
251 // size for column vector
252 template <int q = n, int p = m, std::enable_if_t<p == 1, int> = 0>
253 static constexpr int size() {
254 return q;
255 }
256 // size for square matrix
257 template <int q = n, int p = m, std::enable_if_t<q == p, int> = 0>
258 static constexpr int size() {
259 return q;
260 }
262 /**
263 * @brief Standard array indexing operation for matrices and vectors
264 *
265 * @details Accessing singular elements is insufficient, but matrix elements are often quite
266 * small.
267 *
268 * Exammple for matrix:
269 * \code
270 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
271 * MyType a = M.e(i,j); \\ i <= n, j <= m
272 * \endcode
273 *
274 * Example for vector:
275 * \code {.cpp}
276 * Vector<n,MyType> V;
277 * MyType a = V.e(i) \\ i <= n
278 * \endcode
279 *
280 * @param i row index
281 * @param j column index
282 * @return T matrix element type
283 */
285#pragma hila loop_function
286 inline T e(const int i, const int j) const {
287 // return elem[i][j];
288 return c[i * m + j];
289 }
290 // Same as above but with const_function, see const_function for details
291 inline T &e(const int i, const int j) const_function {
292 // return elem[i][j];
293 return c[i * m + j];
294 }
295 // declare single e here too in case we have a vector
296 // (n || m == 1)
298#pragma hila loop_function
299 template <int q = n, int p = m, std::enable_if_t<(q == 1 || p == 1), int> = 0>
300 inline T e(const int i) const {
301 return c[i];
302 }
303 // Same as above but with const_function, see const_function for details
304 template <int q = n, int p = m, std::enable_if_t<(q == 1 || p == 1), int> = 0>
305 inline T &e(const int i) const_function {
306 return c[i];
307 }
309 /**
310 * @brief Indexing operation [] defined only for vectors.
311 *
312 * @details Example:
313 *
314 * \code {.cpp}
315 * Vector<n,MyType> V;
316 * MyType a = V[i] \\ i <= n
317 * \endcode
318 *
319 * @tparam q row size n
320 * @tparam p column size m
321 * @param i row or vector index depending on which is being indexed
322 * @return T
323 */
325#pragma hila loop_function
326 template <int q = n, int p = m, std::enable_if_t<(q == 1 || p == 1), int> = 0>
327 inline T operator[](const int i) const {
328 return c[i];
329 }
330 // Same as above but with const_function, see const_function for details
331 template <int q = n, int p = m, std::enable_if_t<(q == 1 || p == 1), int> = 0>
332 inline T &operator[](const int i) const_function {
333 return c[i];
334 }
336 /**
337 * @brief Return row of a matrix as a RowVector
338 *
339 * @param r index of row to be referenced
340 * @return const RowVector<m, T>&
341 */
342 RowVector<m, T> row(int r) const {
344 for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
345 v[i] = e(r, i);
346 return v;
347 }
349 /**
350 * @brief Set row of Matrix with #RowVector if types are assignable
351 *
352 * @tparam S RowVector type
353 * @param r Index of row to be set
354 * @param v RowVector to be set
355 */
356 template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
357 void set_row(int r, const RowVector<m, S> &v) {
358 for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
359 e(r, i) = v[i];
360 }
362 /**
363 * @brief Returns column vector as value at index c
364 *
365 * @param c index of column vector to be returned
366 * @return const Vector<n, T>
367 */
368 Vector<n, T> column(int c) const {
369 Vector<n, T> v;
370 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
371 v[i] = e(i, c);
372 return v;
373 }
376 // matrix_col_t<n,T,Mtype> column(int c) {
378 // return matrix_col_t<n,T,Mtype>(*this,c);
379 // }
382 /// get column of a matrix
383 // hila_matrix_column_t<n, T, Mtype> column(int c) {
384 // return hila_matrix_column_t<n, T, Mtype>(*this, c);
385 // }
387 /**
388 * @brief Set column of Matrix with #Vector if types are assignable
389 *
390 * @tparam S Vector type
391 * @param c Index of column to be set
392 * @param v #Vector to be set
393 */
394 template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
395 void set_column(int c, const Vector<n, S> &v) {
396 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
397 e(i, c) = v[i];
398 }
400 /**
401 * @brief Return diagonal of square matrix
402 * @details If called for non square matrix the program will throw an error.
403 *
404 * @return Vector<n, T> returned vector.
405 */
407 static_assert(n == m, "diagonal() method defined only for square matrices");
409 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
410 res.e(i) = (*this).e(i, i);
411 return res;
412 }
414 /**
415 * @brief Set diagonal of square matrix to #Vector which is passed to the method
416 * @details If called for non square matrix the program will throw an error.
417 *
418 * Example:
419 *
420 * \code {.cpp}
421 * SquareMatrix<n,MyType> S = 0; \\ Zero matrix
422 * Vector<n,MyType> V = 1; \\ Vector assigned to 1 at all elements
423 * S.set_diagonal(V); \\ Results in Identity matrix of size n
424 * \endcode
425 *
426 * @tparam S type vector to assign values to
427 * @param v Vector to assign to diagonal
428 */
429 template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
430 void set_diagonal(const Vector<n, S> &v) {
431 static_assert(n == m, "set_diagonal() method defined only for square matrices");
432 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
433 (*this).e(i, i) = v.e(i);
434 }
437 /**
438 * @brief Cast Matrix to Array
439 * @details used for array operations
440 *
441 * @return Array<n, m, T>&
442 */
443 const Array<n, m, T> &asArray() const {
444 return *reinterpret_cast<const Array<n, m, T> *>(this);
445 }
446 // Same as above but with const_function, see const_function for details
447 Array<n, m, T> &asArray() const_function {
448 return *reinterpret_cast<Array<n, m, T> *>(this);
449 }
451 /**
452 * @brief Cast Vector to DiagonalMatrix
453 *
454 * @return DiagonalMatrix<n,T>
455 */
456 #pragma hila loop_function
457 template <int mm = m, std::enable_if_t<mm == 1, int> = 0>
459 return *reinterpret_cast<const DiagonalMatrix<n, T> *>(this);
460 }
461 // Same as above but with const_function, see const_function for details
462 template <int mm = m, std::enable_if_t<mm == 1, int> = 0>
463 DiagonalMatrix<n, T> &asDiagonalMatrix() const_function {
464 return *reinterpret_cast<DiagonalMatrix<n, T> *>(this);
465 }
468 /// casting from one Matrix (number) type to another: do not do this automatically.
469 /// but require an explicit cast operator. This makes it easier to write code.
470 /// or should it be automatic? keep/remove explicit?
473 // template <typename S, typename Rtype,
474 // std::enable_if_t<
475 // Rtype::is_matrix() && Rtype::rows() == n && Rtype::columns() == m
476 // &&
477 // hila::is_assignable<typename (Rtype::argument_type) &,
478 // T>::value,
479 // int> = 0>
480 // explicit operator Rtype() const {
481 // Rtype res;
482 // for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++)
483 // res.c[i] = c[i];
484 // return res;
485 // }
487 /**
488 * @brief Unary - operator
489 * @details Returns matrix with the signs of all the elements in the Matrix flipped.
490 *
491 * @return Mtype
492 */
493 inline Mtype operator-() const {
494 Mtype res;
495 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
496 res.c[i] = -c[i];
497 }
498 return res;
499 }
501 /**
502 * @brief Unary + operator
503 * @details Equivalent to identity operator meaning that matrix stays as is.
504 *
505 * @return const Mtype&
506 */
507 inline const auto &operator+() const {
508 return *this;
509 }
511 /**
512 * @brief Boolean operator == to determine if two matrices are exactly the same
513 * @details Tolerance for equivalence is zero, meaning that the matrices must be exactly the
514 * same.
515 *
516 * @tparam S Type for Matrix which is being compared to
517 * @param rhs right hand side Matrix which we are comparing
518 * @return true
519 * @return false
520 */
521 template <typename S, int n2, int m2>
522 bool operator==(const Matrix<n2, m2, S> &rhs) const {
523 if constexpr (n != n2 || m != m2)
524 return false;
526 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
527 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
528 if (e(i, j) != rhs.e(i, j))
529 return false;
530 }
531 return true;
532 }
534 /**
535 * @brief Boolean operator != to check if matrices are exactly different
536 * @details if matrices are exactly the same then this will return false
537 *
538 * @tparam S Type for MAtrix which is being compared to
539 * @param rhs right hand side Matrix which we are comparing
540 * @return true
541 * @return false
542 */
543 template <typename S>
544 bool operator!=(const Matrix<n, m, S> &rhs) const {
545 return !(*this == rhs);
546 }
548 /**
549 * @brief Assignment operator = to assign values to matrix
550 * @details The following ways to assign a matrix are:
551 *
552 *
553 * __Assignment from Matrix__:
554 *
555 * \code {.cpp}
556 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M_0;
557 * .
558 * . M_0 has values assigned to it
559 * .
560 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M; \\ undefined matrix
561 * M = M_0; \\ Assignment from M_0
562 * \endcode
563 *
564 * __Assignment from 0__:
565 *
566 * \code {.cpp}
567 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
568 * M = 0; Zero matrix;
569 * \endcode
570 *
571 * __Assignment from scalar__:
572 *
573 * Assignment from scalar assigns the scalar to the diagonal elements as \f$ M = I\cdot a\f$
574 *
575 * \code {.cpp}
576 * MyType a = hila::random;
577 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
578 * M = a; M = I*a
579 * \endcode
580 *
581 *__Initializer list__:
582 *
583 * Assignment from c++ initializer list.
584 *
585 * \code{.cpp}
586 * Matrix<2,2,int> M ;
587 * M = {1, 0
588 * 0, 1};
589 * \endcode
590 */
592 template <typename S, typename MT,
593 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
594 inline auto &operator=(const Matrix_t<n, m, S, MT> &rhs) out_only & {
595 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
596 c[i] = rhs.c[i];
597 }
598 return *this;
599 }
601 // assign from 0
603 inline auto &operator=(const std::nullptr_t &z) out_only & {
604 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
605 c[i] = 0;
606 }
607 return *this;
608 }
610 // Assign from "scalar" for square matrix
612 template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value && n == m, int> = 0>
613 inline auto &operator=(const S rhs) out_only & {
615 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
616 for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
617 if (i == j)
618 e(i, j) = rhs;
619 else
620 e(i, j) = 0;
621 }
622 return *this;
623 }
625 // Assign from diagonal matrix
627 template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
628 inline auto &operator=(const DiagonalMatrix<n, S> &rhs) out_only & {
629 static_assert(n == m,
630 "Assigning DiagonalMatrix to Matrix possible only for square matrices");
632 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
633 for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
634 if (i == j)
635 e(i, j) = rhs.e(i);
636 else
637 e(i, j) = 0;
638 }
639 return *this;
640 }
643 // Assign from initializer list
645 template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
646 auto &operator=(std::initializer_list<S> rhs) out_only & {
647 assert(rhs.size() == n * m && "Initializer list has a wrong size in assignment");
648 int i = 0;
649 for (auto it = rhs.begin(); it != rhs.end(); it++, i++) {
650 c[i] = *it;
651 }
652 return *this;
653 }
655 // Delete the rvalue-assign op
656 template <typename S>
657 Matrix_t &operator=(const S &s) && = delete;
660 /**
661 * @brief Add assign operator with matrix or scalar
662 * @details Add assign operator can be used in the following ways
663 *
664 * __Add assign matrix__:
665 *
666 * \code {.cpp}
667 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,N;
668 * M = 1;
669 * N = 1;
670 * M += N; \\M = 2*I
671 * \endcode
672 *
673 * __Add assign scalar__:
674 *
675 * Adds scalar \f$ a \f$ to __square__ matrix as \f$ M + a\cdot\mathbb{1} \f$
676 *
677 * \code {.cpp}
678 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M = 1;
679 * M += 1 ; \\ M = 2*I
680 * \endcode
681 *
682 * @tparam S Element type of rhs
683 * @tparam MT Matrix type of rhs
684 * @param rhs Matrix to add
685 * @return Mtype&
686 */
688 template <typename S, typename MT,
689 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
690 auto &operator+=(const Matrix_t<n, m, S, MT> &rhs) & {
691 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
692 c[i] += rhs.c[i];
693 }
694 return *this;
695 }
697 /**
698 * @brief Subtract assign operator with matrix or scalar
699 * @details Subtract assign operator can be used in the following ways
700 *
701 * __Subtract assign matrix__:
702 *
703 * \code {.cpp}
704 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,N;
705 * M = 3;
706 * N = 1;
707 * M -= N; \\M = 2*I
708 * \endcode
709 *
710 * __Subtract assign scalar__:
711 *
712 * Subtract scalar \f$ a \f$ to __square__ matrix as \f$ M - a\cdot\mathbb{1} \f$
713 *
714 * \code {.cpp}
715 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M = 3;
716 * M -= 1 ; \\ M = 2*I
717 * \endcode
718 *
719 * @param rhs Matrix to subtract with
720 * @return template <typename S, typename MT,
721 * std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>&
722 */
724 template <typename S, typename MT,
725 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
726 auto &operator-=(const Matrix_t<n, m, S, MT> &rhs) & {
727 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
728 c[i] -= rhs.c[i];
729 }
730 return *this;
731 }
733 // add assign a scalar to square matrix
735 template <typename S,
736 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_plus<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>
737 auto &operator+=(const S &rhs) & {
739 static_assert(n == m, "rows != columns : scalar addition possible for square matrix only!");
741 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
742 e(i, i) += rhs;
743 }
744 return *this;
745 }
747 // subtract assign type T and convertible
749 template <typename S,
750 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_minus<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>
751 auto &operator-=(const S rhs) & {
752 static_assert(n == m,
753 "rows != columns : scalar subtraction possible for square matrix only!");
754 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
755 e(i, i) -= rhs;
756 }
757 return *this;
758 }
760 /**
761 * @brief Multiply assign scalar or matrix
762 * @details Multiplication works as defined for matrix multiplication and scalar matrix
763 * multiplication.
764 *
765 * Matrix multiply assign only defined for square matrices, since the matrix dimensions would
766 * change otherwise.
767 *
768 * Multiply assign operator can be used in the following ways
769 *
770 * __Multiply assign matrix__:
771 *
772 * \code {.cpp}
773 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,N;
774 * .
775 * . Fill matrices M and N
776 * .
777 * M *= N; \\ M = M*N
778 * \endcode
779 *
780 * __Multiply assign scalar__:
781 *
782 * \code {.cpp}
783 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
784 * .
785 * . Fill whole matrix with 1
786 * .
787 * M *= 2 ; \\ M is filled with 2
788 * \endcode
789 *
790 * @param rhs Matrix to multiply with
791 * @return template <int p, typename S, typename MT,
792 * std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_mul<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>&
793 */
794 template <int p, typename S, typename MT,
795 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_mul<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>
796 auto &operator*=(const Matrix_t<m, p, S, MT> &rhs) & {
797 static_assert(m == p, "can't assign result of *= to lhs Matrix, because doing so "
798 "would change it's dimensions");
799 *this = *this * rhs;
800 return *this;
801 }
804 /*
805 // same type square matrices:
806 template <int p,typename S,typename MT,
807 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T&,hila::type_mul<T,S>>::value, int> = 0>
808 Mtype& operator*=(const Matrix_t<m,p,S,MT>& rhs)& {
809 static_assert(m==p,"can't assign result of *= to lhs Matrix, because doing so "
810 "would change it's dimensions");
812 S tmp_row[m];
813 int i,j,k;
814 for(i=0; i<m; ++i) {
815 for(j=0; j<m; ++j) {
816 tmp_row[j]=e(i,j);
817 }
818 for(j=0; j<m; ++j) {
819 e(i,j)=tmp_row[0]*rhs.e(0,j);
820 for(k=1; k<m; ++k) {
821 e(i,j)+=tmp_row[k]*rhs.e(k,j);
822 }
823 }
824 }
825 return *this;
826 }
827 */
829 // multiply assign with scalar
831 template <typename S,
832 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_mul<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>
833 auto &operator*=(const S rhs) & {
834 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
835 c[i] *= rhs;
836 }
837 return *this;
838 }
840 /**
841 * @brief Divide assign scalar
842 * @details Divide works as defined for scalar matrix division.
843 *
844 * Division assign operator can be used in the following ways
845 *
846 * __Divide assign scalar__:
847 *
848 * \code {.cpp}
849 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
850 * .
851 * . Fill whole matrix with 2
852 * .
853 * M /= 2 ; \\ M is filled with 1
854 * \endcode
855 *
856 * @param rhs Matrix to divide with
857 * @return template <int p, typename S, typename MT,
858 * std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_mul<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>&
859 */
861 template <typename S,
862 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_div<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>
863 auto &operator/=(const S rhs) & {
864 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
865 c[i] /= rhs;
866 }
867 return *this;
868 }
870 /**
871 * @brief add and sub assign a DiagonalMatrix
872 *
873 * This is possible only for square matrices
874 */
875 template <typename S,
876 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_plus<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>
877 auto &operator+=(const DiagonalMatrix<n, S> &rhs) & {
878 static_assert(n == m, "Assigning DiagonalMatrix possible only for square matrix");
880 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
881 e(i, i) += rhs.e(i);
882 return *this;
883 }
885 template <typename S,
886 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_plus<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>
887 auto &operator-=(const DiagonalMatrix<n, S> &rhs) & {
888 static_assert(n == m, "Assigning DiagonalMatrix possible only for square matrix");
890 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
891 e(i, i) -= rhs.e(i);
892 return *this;
893 }
895 /**
896 * @brief mult and divide assign a diagonal - cols must match diagonal matrix rows
897 */
898 template <typename S,
899 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_mul<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>
900 auto &operator*=(const DiagonalMatrix<m, S> &rhs) & {
902 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
903 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
904 e(i, j) *= rhs.e(j);
906 return *this;
907 }
909 template <typename S,
910 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, hila::type_div<T, S>>::value, int> = 0>
911 auto &operator/=(const DiagonalMatrix<m, S> &rhs) & {
913 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
914 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
915 e(i, j) /= rhs.e(j);
917 return *this;
918 }
921 /**
922 * @brief Matrix fill
923 * @details Fills the matrix with element if it is assignable to matrix type T
924 *
925 * Works as follows:
926 *
927 * \code {.cpp}
928 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
929 * M.fill(2) \\ Matrix is filled with 2
930 * \endcode
931 *
932 * @tparam S Element type to be assigned
933 * @param rhs Element to fill matrix with
934 * @return const Mtype&
935 */
936 template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_assignable<T &, S>::value, int> = 0>
937 const auto &fill(const S rhs) out_only {
938 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++)
939 c[i] = rhs;
940 return *this;
941 }
943 /**
944 * @brief Transpose of matrix
945 * @details Return type for square matrix is same input, for non square return type is
946 * Matrix<n,m,MyType>
947 * @tparam mm
948 * @tparam std::conditional<n, Mtype, Matrix<m, n, T>>::type
949 * @return const Rtype
950 */
951 template <int mm = m,
952 typename Rtype = typename std::conditional<n == m, Matrix_t, Matrix<m, n, T>>::type,
953 std::enable_if_t<(mm != 1 && n != 1), int> = 0>
954 inline Rtype transpose() const {
955 Rtype res;
956 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
957 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
958 res.e(j, i) = e(i, j);
959 }
960 return res;
961 }
963 /**
964 * @brief Transpose of vector
965 * @details Returns reference
966 *
967 * @tparam mm
968 * @return const RowVector<n, T>&
969 */
970 template <int mm = m, std::enable_if_t<mm == 1, int> = 0>
971 inline const RowVector<n, T> &transpose() const {
972 return *reinterpret_cast<const RowVector<n, T> *>(this);
973 }
975 template <int nn = n, std::enable_if_t<nn == 1 && m != 1, int> = 0>
976 inline const Vector<m, T> &transpose() const {
977 return *reinterpret_cast<const Vector<m, T> *>(this);
978 }
981 /**
982 * @brief Returns complex conjugate of Matrix
983 *
984 * @return const Mtype
985 */
986 inline Mtype conj() const {
987 Mtype res;
988 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
989 res.c[i] = ::conj(c[i]);
990 }
991 return res;
992 }
994 /**
995 * @brief Hermitian conjugate of matrix
996 * @details for square matrix return type is same, for non square it is Matrix<m,n,MyType>
997 *
998 * @tparam std::conditional<n, Mtype, Matrix<m, n, T>>::type
999 * @return const Rtype
1000 */
1001 template <typename Rtype = typename std::conditional<n == m, Mtype, Matrix<m, n, T>>::type>
1002 inline Rtype dagger() const {
1003 Rtype res;
1004 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
1005 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
1006 res.e(j, i) = ::conj(e(i, j));
1007 }
1008 return res;
1009 }
1011 /**
1012 * @brief Adjoint of matrix
1013 * @details Alias to dagger
1014 *
1015 * @tparam std::conditional<n, Mtype, Matrix<m, n, T>>::type
1016 * @return Rtype
1017 */
1018 template <typename Rtype = typename std::conditional<n == m, Mtype, Matrix<m, n, T>>::type>
1019 inline Rtype adjoint() const {
1020 return dagger();
1021 }
1023 /**
1024 * @brief Returns absolute value of Matrix
1025 * @details For Matrix<n,m,Complex<T>> case type is changed to Matrix<n,m,T> as expected since
1026 * absolute value of a complex number is real
1027 *
1028 * @tparam M
1029 * @return Mtype
1030 */
1031 auto abs() const {
1033 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
1034 res.c[i] = ::abs(c[i]);
1035 }
1036 return res;
1037 }
1040 // It seems that using special "Dagger" type makes the code slower!
1041 // Disable it now
1042 // inline const DaggerMatrix<m,n,T> & dagger() const {
1043 // return *reinterpret_cast<const DaggerMatrix<m,n,T>*>(this);
1044 // }
1046 /**
1047 * @brief Returns real part of Matrix or #Vector
1048 *
1049 * @return Matrix<n, m, hila::arithmetic_type<T>>
1050 */
1053 for (int i = 0; i < m * n; i++) {
1054 res.c[i] = ::real(c[i]);
1055 }
1056 return res;
1057 }
1059 /**
1060 * @brief Returns imaginary part of Matrix or #Vector
1061 *
1062 * @return Matrix<n, m, hila::arithmetic_type<T>>
1063 */
1066 for (int i = 0; i < m * n; i++) {
1067 res.c[i] = ::imag(c[i]);
1068 }
1069 return res;
1070 }
1072 /**
1073 * @brief Computes Trace for Matrix
1074 * @details Not define for non square matrices. Static assert will stop code from compiling if
1075 * executed for non square matrices.
1076 *
1077 * @return T
1078 */
1079 T trace() const {
1080 static_assert(n == m, "trace not defined for non square matrices");
1081 T result(0);
1082 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1083 result += e(i, i);
1084 }
1085 return result;
1086 }
1088 /**
1089 * @brief Multiply with given matrix and compute trace of result
1090 * @details Slightly cheaper operation than \code (M*N).trace() \endcode
1091 *
1092 * @tparam p
1093 * @tparam q
1094 * @tparam S
1095 * @tparam MT
1096 * @param rm
1097 * @return hila::type_mul<T, S>
1098 */
1099 template <int p, int q, typename S, typename MT>
1100 hila::type_mul<T, S> mul_trace(const Matrix_t<p, q, S, MT> &rm) const {
1102 static_assert(p == m && q == n, "mul_trace(): argument matrix size mismatch");
1104 hila::type_mul<T, S> res = 0;
1105 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
1106 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
1107 res += e(i, j) * rm.e(j, i);
1108 }
1109 return res;
1110 }
1112 /**
1113 * @brief Calculate square norm - sum of squared elements
1114 *
1115 * @return hila::arithmetic_type<T>
1116 */
1117 hila::arithmetic_type<T> squarenorm() const {
1118 hila::arithmetic_type<T> result(0);
1119 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
1120 result += ::squarenorm(c[i]);
1121 }
1122 return result;
1123 }
1125 /**
1126 * @brief Calculate vector norm - sqrt of squarenorm
1127 *
1128 * @tparam S
1129 * @return hila::arithmetic_type<T>
1130 */
1131 template <typename S = T,
1132 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_floating_point<hila::arithmetic_type<S>>::value, int> = 0>
1133 hila::arithmetic_type<T> norm() const {
1134 return sqrt(squarenorm());
1135 }
1137 template <typename S = T,
1138 std::enable_if_t<!hila::is_floating_point<hila::arithmetic_type<S>>::value, int> = 0>
1139 double norm() const {
1140 return sqrt(static_cast<double>(squarenorm()));
1141 }
1143 /**
1144 * @brief Find max or min value - only for arithmetic types
1145 */
1147 template <typename S = T, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_arithmetic<S>::value, int> = 0>
1148 T max() const {
1149 T res = c[0];
1150 for (int i = 1; i < n * m; i++) {
1151 if (res < c[i])
1152 res = c[i];
1153 }
1154 return res;
1155 }
1157 template <typename S = T, std::enable_if_t<hila::is_arithmetic<S>::value, int> = 0>
1158 T min() const {
1159 T res = c[0];
1160 for (int i = 1; i < n * m; i++) {
1161 if (res > c[i])
1162 res = c[i];
1163 }
1164 return res;
1165 }
1167 auto max_abs() const {
1168 hila::arithmetic_type<T> tres, res = 0;
1169 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
1170 tres = ::abs(c[i]);
1171 if (tres > res) {
1172 res = tres;
1173 }
1174 }
1175 return res;
1176 }
1178 auto min_abs() const {
1179 hila::arithmetic_type<T> tres, res = ::abs(c[0]);
1180 for (int i = 1; i < n * m; i++) {
1181 tres = ::abs(c[i]);
1182 if (tres < res) {
1183 res = tres;
1184 }
1185 }
1186 return res;
1187 }
1189 // dot product - (*this).dagger() * rhs
1190 // could be done as well by writing the operation as above!
1191 /**
1192 * @brief Dot product
1193 * @details Only works between two #Vector objects
1194 *
1195 * \code {.cpp}
1196 * Vector<m,MyType> V,W;
1197 * .
1198 * .
1199 * .
1200 * V.dot(W); // valid operation
1201 * \endcode
1202 *
1203 * \code {.cpp}
1204 * RowVector<m,MyType> V,W;
1205 * .
1206 * .
1207 * .
1208 * V.dot(W); // not valid operation
1209 * \endcode
1210 *
1211 *
1212 * @tparam p Row length for rhs
1213 * @tparam q Column length for rhs
1214 * @tparam S Type for rhs
1215 * @tparam R Gives resulting type of lhs and rhs multiplication
1216 * @param rhs Vector to compute dot product with
1217 * @return R Value of dot product
1218 */
1219 template <int p, int q, typename S, typename R = hila::type_mul<T, S>>
1220 inline R dot(const Matrix<p, q, S> &rhs) const {
1221 static_assert(m == 1 && q == 1 && p == n,
1222 "dot() product only for vectors of the same length");
1224 R r = 0;
1225 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1226 r += ::conj(c[i]) * rhs.e(i);
1227 }
1228 return r;
1229 }
1231 // outer product - (*this) * rhs.dagger(), sizes (n,1) and (p,1)
1232 // gives n * p matrix
1233 // could be done as well by the above operation!
1235 /**
1236 * @brief Outer product
1237 * @details Only works between two #Vector objects
1238 *
1239 * \code{.cpp}
1240 * Vector<n,MyType> V,W;
1241 * .
1242 * .
1243 * .
1244 * V.outer_product(W); \\ Valid operation
1245 * \endcode
1246 *
1247 * \code {.cpp}
1248 * RowVector<m,MyType> V,W;
1249 * .
1250 * .
1251 * .
1252 * V.outer_product(W); // not valid operation
1253 * \endcode
1254 *
1255 * @tparam p Row length for rhs
1256 * @tparam q Column length for rhs
1257 * @tparam S Element type for rhs
1258 * @tparam R Type between lhs and rhs multiplication
1259 * @param rhs Vector to compute outer product with
1260 * @return Matrix<n, p, R>
1261 */
1262 template <int p, int q, typename S, typename R = hila::type_mul<T, S>>
1264 static_assert(m == 1 && q == 1, "outer_product() only for vectors");
1266 Matrix<n, p, R> res;
1267 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1268 for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) {
1269 res.e(i, j) = c[i] * ::conj(rhs.e(j));
1270 }
1271 }
1272 return res;
1273 }
1276 /// dot with matrix - matrix
1277 // template <int p, std::enable_if_t<(p > 1 || m > 1), int> = 0>
1278 // inline Matrix<m, p, T> dot(const Matrix<n, p, T> &rhs) const {
1279 // Matrix<m, p, T> res;
1280 // for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
1281 // for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) {
1282 // res.e(i, j) = 0;
1283 // for (int k = 0; k < n; j++)
1284 // res.e(i, j) += ::conj(e(k, i)) * rhs.e(k, j);
1285 // }
1286 // }
1288 /// Generate random elements
1290 /**
1291 * @brief Fills Matrix with random elements
1292 * @details Works only for real valued elements such as float or double
1293 *
1294 * @return Mtype&
1295 */
1296 Mtype &random() out_only {
1298 static_assert(hila::is_floating_point<hila::arithmetic_type<T>>::value,
1299 "Matrix/Vector random() requires non-integral type elements");
1301 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
1302 hila::random(c[i]);
1303 }
1304 return *this;
1305 }
1307 /**
1308 * @brief Fills Matrix with gaussian random elements
1309 * @details Works only for real valued elements such as float or double
1310 *
1311 * @param width
1312 * @return Mtype&
1313 */
1314 Mtype &gaussian_random(base_type width = 1.0) out_only {
1316 static_assert(hila::is_floating_point<hila::arithmetic_type<T>>::value,
1317 "Matrix/Vector gaussian_random() requires non-integral type elements");
1319 // for Complex numbers gaussian_random fills re and im efficiently
1320 if constexpr (hila::is_complex<T>::value) {
1321 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++) {
1322 c[i].gaussian_random(width);
1323 }
1324 } else {
1325 // now not complex matrix
1326 // if n*m even, max i in loop below is n*m-2.
1327 // if n*m odd, max i is n*m-3
1328 double gr;
1329 for (int i = 0; i < n * m - 1; i += 2) {
1330 c[i] = hila::gaussrand2(gr) * width;
1331 c[i + 1] = gr * width;
1332 }
1333 if constexpr ((n * m) % 2 > 0) {
1334 c[n * m - 1] = hila::gaussrand() * width;
1335 }
1336 }
1337 return *this;
1338 }
1340 /**
1341 * @brief permute columns of Matrix
1342 * @details Reordering is done based off of permutation vector
1343 *
1344 * @param permutation Vector of integers to permute columns
1345 * @return Mtype
1346 */
1347 Mtype permute_columns(const Vector<m, int> &permutation) const {
1348 Mtype res;
1349 for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
1350 res.set_column(i, this->column(permutation[i]));
1351 return res;
1352 }
1354 /**
1355 * @brief permute rows of Matrix
1356 * @details Reordering is done based off of permutation vector
1357 *
1358 * @param permutation Vector of integers to permute rows
1359 * @return Mtype
1360 */
1361 Mtype permute_rows(const Vector<n, int> &permutation) const {
1362 Mtype res;
1363 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
1364 res.set_row(i, this->row(permutation[i]));
1365 return res;
1366 }
1369 /**
1370 * @brief Permute elements of vector
1371 * @details Reordering is done based off of permutation vector
1372 *
1373 * @param permutation Vector of integers to permute rows
1374 * @return Mtype
1375 */
1376 template <int N>
1377 Mtype permute(const Vector<N, int> &permutation) const {
1378 static_assert(
1379 n == 1 || m == 1,
1380 "permute() only for vectors, use permute_rows() or permute_columns() for matrices");
1381 static_assert(N == Mtype::size(), "Incorrect size of permutation vector");
1383 Mtype res;
1384 for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
1385 res[i] = (*this)[permutation[i]];
1386 }
1387 return res;
1388 }
1390 /**
1391 * @brief Sort method for #Vector
1392 * @details Two interfaces: first returns permutation vector, which can be used to permute
1393 * other vectors/matrices second does only sort
1394 *
1395 * __Direct sort__:
1396 *
1397 * @code {.cpp}
1398 * Vector<n,MyType> V;
1399 * V.random();
1400 * V.sort(); // V is sorted
1401 * @endcode
1402 *
1403 * __Permutation vector__:
1404 *
1405 * @code {.cpp}
1406 * Vector<n,MyType> V;
1407 * Vector<n,int> perm;
1408 * V.random();
1409 * V.sort(perm);
1410 * V.permute(perm); // V is sorted
1411 * @endcode
1412 *
1413 */
1414#pragma hila novector
1415 template <int N>
1416 Mtype sort(Vector<N, int> &permutation, hila::sort order = hila::sort::ascending) const {
1418 static_assert(n == 1 || m == 1, "Sorting possible only for vectors");
1419 static_assert(hila::is_arithmetic<T>::value,
1420 "Sorting possible only for arithmetic vector elements");
1421 static_assert(N == Mtype::size(), "Incorrect size of permutation vector");
1423 for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
1424 permutation[i] = i;
1425 if (hila::sort::unsorted == order) {
1426 return *this;
1427 }
1429 if (hila::sort::ascending == order) {
1430 for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
1431 for (int j = i; j > 0 && c[permutation[j - 1]] > c[permutation[j]]; j--)
1432 hila::swap(permutation[j], permutation[j - 1]);
1433 }
1434 } else {
1435 for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
1436 for (int j = i; j > 0 && c[permutation[j - 1]] < c[permutation[j]]; j--)
1437 hila::swap(permutation[j], permutation[j - 1]);
1438 }
1439 }
1441 return this->permute(permutation);
1442 }
1444#pragma hila novector
1445 Mtype sort(hila::sort order = hila::sort::ascending) const {
1446 static_assert(n == 1 || m == 1, "Sorting possible only for vectors");
1448 Vector<Mtype::size(), int> permutation;
1449 return sort(permutation, order);
1450 }
1453 /**
1454 * @brief Multiply \f$ n \times m \f$-matrix from the left by \f$ n \times m \f$ matrix defined
1455 * by \f$ 2 \times 2 \f$ sub matrix
1456 * @details The multiplication is defined as follows, let \f$M\f$ as the \f$ 2 \times 2 \f$
1457 * input matrix and \f$B\f$ be `(this)` matrix, being the matrix stored in the object this
1458 * method is called for. Let \f$A = I\f$ be a \f$ n \times m \f$ unit matrix. We then set the
1459 * values of A to be: \f{align}{ A_{p,p} = M_{0,0}, \hspace{5px} A_{p,q} = M_{0,1}, \hspace{5px}
1460 * A_{q,p} = M_{1,0}, \hspace{5px} A_{q,q} = M_{1,1}. \f}
1461 *
1462 * Then the resulting matrix will be:
1463 *
1464 * \f{align}{ B = A \cdot B \f}
1465 *
1466 * @tparam R Element type of M
1467 * @tparam Mt Matrix type of M
1468 * @param p First row and column
1469 * @param q Second row and column
1470 * @param M \f$ 2 \times 2\f$ Matrix to multiply with
1471 */
1472 template <typename R, typename Mt>
1473 void mult_by_2x2_left(int p, int q, const Matrix_t<2, 2, R, Mt> &M) {
1474 static_assert(hila::contains_complex<T>::value || !hila::contains_complex<R>::value,
1475 "Cannot multiply real matrix with complex 2x2 block matrix");
1477 Vector<2, T> a;
1478 for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
1479 a.e(0) = this->e(p, i);
1480 a.e(1) = this->e(q, i);
1482 a = M * a;
1484 this->e(p, i) = a.e(0);
1485 this->e(q, i) = a.e(1);
1486 }
1487 }
1489 /**
1490 * @brief Multiply \f$ n \times m \f$-matrix from the right by \f$ n \times m \f$ matrix
1491 * defined by \f$ 2 \times 2 \f$ sub matrix
1492 * @details See Matrix::mult_by_2x2_left, only difference being that the multiplication is from
1493 * the right.
1494 *
1495 * @tparam R Element type of M
1496 * @tparam Mt Matrix type of M
1497 * @param p First row and column
1498 * @param q Second row and column
1499 * @param M \f$ 2 \times 2\f$ Matrix to multiply with
1500 */
1501 template <typename R, typename Mt>
1502 void mult_by_2x2_right(int p, int q, const Matrix_t<2, 2, R, Mt> &M) {
1503 static_assert(hila::contains_complex<T>::value || !hila::contains_complex<R>::value,
1504 "Cannot multiply real matrix with complex 2x2 block matrix");
1507 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1508 a.e(0) = this->e(i, p);
1509 a.e(1) = this->e(i, q);
1511 a = a * M;
1513 this->e(i, p) = a.e(0);
1514 this->e(i, q) = a.e(1);
1515 }
1516 }
1519 // Following methods are defined in matrix_linalg.h
1520 //
1522 /**
1523 * @brief following calculate the determinant of a square matrix
1524 * det() is the generic interface, using laplace for small matrices and LU for large
1525 */
1527#pragma hila novector
1528 T det_lu() const;
1529#pragma hila novector
1530 T det_laplace() const;
1531#pragma hila novector
1532 T det() const;
1534 /**
1535 * @brief Calculate eigenvalues and -vectors of an hermitean (or symmetric) matrix.
1536 * @details Returns the number of Jacobi iterations, or -1 if did not converge.
1537 * Arguments will contain eigenvalues and eigenvectors in columns of the "eigenvectors" matrix.
1538 * Computation is done in double precision despite the input matrix types.
1539 * @param eigenvaluevec Vector of computed eigenvalue
1540 * @param eigenvectors Eigenvectors as columns of \f$ n \times n \f$ Matrix
1541 *
1542 */
1544#pragma hila novector
1545 template <typename Et, typename Mt, typename MT>
1546 int eigen_hermitean(out_only DiagonalMatrix<n, Et> &eigenvalues,
1547 out_only Matrix_t<n, n, Mt, MT> &eigenvectors,
1548 enum hila::sort sorted = hila::sort::unsorted) const;
1550 eigen_result<Mtype> eigen_hermitean(enum hila::sort sorted = hila::sort::unsorted) const;
1552 // Temporary interface to eigenvalues, to be removed
1553 template <typename Et, typename Mt, typename MT>
1554 int eigen_jacobi(out_only Vector<n, Et> &eigenvaluevec,
1555 out_only Matrix_t<n, n, Mt, MT> &eigenvectors,
1556 enum hila::sort sorted = hila::sort::unsorted) const {
1559 int i = eigen_hermitean(d, eigenvectors, sorted);
1560 eigenvaluevec = d.asArray().asVector();
1561 return i;
1562 }
1565#pragma hila novector
1566 template <typename Et, typename Mt, typename MT>
1567 int svd(out_only Matrix_t<n, n, Mt, MT> &_U, out_only DiagonalMatrix<n, Et> &_D,
1568 out_only Matrix_t<n, n, Mt, MT> &_V,
1569 enum hila::sort sorted = hila::sort::unsorted) const;
1571 svd_result<Mtype> svd(enum hila::sort sorted = hila::sort::unsorted) const;
1574#pragma hila novector
1575 template <typename Et, typename Mt, typename MT>
1576 int svd_pivot(out_only Matrix_t<n, n, Mt, MT> &_U, out_only DiagonalMatrix<n, Et> &_D,
1577 out_only Matrix_t<n, n, Mt, MT> &_V,
1578 enum hila::sort sorted = hila::sort::unsorted) const;
1580 svd_result<Mtype> svd_pivot(enum hila::sort sorted = hila::sort::unsorted) const;
1583 //////// matrix_linalg.h
1585 /// Convert to string for printing
1586 ///
1587 std::string str(int prec = 8, char separator = ' ') const {
1588 std::stringstream text;
1589 text.precision(prec);
1590 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1591 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
1592 text << e(i, j);
1593 if (i < n - 1 || j < m - 1)
1594 text << separator;
1595 }
1596 }
1597 return text.str();
1598 }
1602 * @brief \f$ n \times m \f$ Matrix class which defines matrix operations.
1603 * @details The Matrix class is a derived class of Matrix_t, which is the general definition of a
1604 * matrix class. See Matrix_t details section for reasoning.
1605 *
1606 * All mathematical operations for Matrix are inherited from Matrix_t and are visible on this page.
1607 * __NOTE__: Some method documentation is not being displayed, for example the assignment operator
1608 * documentation is not being inherited. See Matrix_t::operator= for use.
1609 *
1610 * To see all methods of initializing a matrix see constructor method #Matrix::Matrix
1611 *
1612 * __NOTE__: In the documentation examples n,m are integers and MyType is a HILA [standard
1613 * type](@ref standard) or Complex.
1614 *
1615 * @tparam n Number of rows
1616 * @tparam m Number of columns
1617 * @tparam T Data type Matrix
1618 */
1619template <int n, int m, typename T>
1620class Matrix : public Matrix_t<n, m, T, Matrix<n, m, T>> {
1622 public:
1623 /// std incantation for field types
1624 using base_type = hila::arithmetic_type<T>;
1625 using argument_type = T;
1627 /**
1628 * @brief Construct a new Matrix object
1629 * @details The following ways of constructing a matrix are:
1630 *
1631 * __NOTE__: n,m are integers and MyType is a HILA [standard type](@ref standard) or Complex.
1632 *
1633 * __Default constructor__:
1634 *
1635 * Allocates undefined \f$ n\times m\f$ Array.
1636 *
1637 * \code{.cpp}
1638 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
1639 * \endcode
1640 *
1641 *
1642 * __Scalar constructor__:
1643 *
1644 * Construct with given scalar at diagonal elements \f$ M = \mathbf{I}\cdot x\f$.
1645 *
1646 * \code{.cpp}
1647 * MyType x = hila::random();
1648 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M = x;
1649 * \endcode
1650 *
1651 * __Copy constructor__:
1652 *
1653 * Construction from previously defined matrix if types are compatible. For example the code
1654 * below only works if assignment from MyOtherType to MyType is defined.
1655 *
1656 * \code{.cpp}
1657 * Matrix<n,m,MyOtherType> M_0;
1658 * //
1659 * // M_0 is filled with content
1660 * //
1661 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M = M_0;
1662 * \endcode
1663 *
1664 * __Initializer list__:
1665 *
1666 * Construction from c++ initializer list.
1667 *
1668 * \code{.cpp}
1669 * Matrix<2,2,int> M = {1, 0
1670 * 0, 1};
1671 * \endcode
1672 */
1674 // use the Base::Base -trick to inherit constructors and assignments
1675 using Matrix_t<n, m, T, Matrix<n, m, T>>::Matrix_t;
1677 using Matrix_t<n, m, T, Matrix<n, m, T>>::operator=;
1678 Matrix &operator=(const Matrix &v) out_only & = default;
1681namespace hila {
1684// Tool to get "right" result type for matrix (T1) + (T2) -op, where
1685// T1 and T2 are either complex or arithmetic matrices
1686// Use: hila::mat_x_mat_type<T1,T2>
1687// - T1 == T2 returns T1
1688// - If T1 or T2 contains complex, returns Matrix<rows,cols,Complex<typeof T1+T2>>
1689// - otherwise returns the "larger" type
1691template <typename T1, typename T2>
1692struct matrix_op_type_s {
1693 using type = Matrix<T1::rows(), T1::columns(), hila::ntype_op<T1, T2>>;
1696// if types are the same
1697template <typename T>
1698struct matrix_op_type_s<T, T> {
1699 using type = T;
1702// useful format mat_x_mat_type<T1,T2>
1703template <typename T1, typename T2>
1704using mat_x_mat_type = typename matrix_op_type_s<T1, T2>::type;
1707// Matrix + scalar result type:
1708// hila::mat_scalar_type<Mt,S>
1709// - if result is convertible to Mt, return Mt
1710// - if Mt is not complex and S is, return
1711// Matrix<Complex<type_sum(scalar_type(Mt),scalar_type(S))>>
1712// - otherwise return Matrix<type_sum>
1714template <typename Mt, typename S, typename Enable = void>
1715struct matrix_scalar_op_s {
1716 using type =
1717 Matrix<Mt::rows(), Mt::columns(),
1718 Complex<hila::type_plus<hila::arithmetic_type<Mt>, hila::arithmetic_type<S>>>>;
1721template <typename Mt, typename S>
1722struct matrix_scalar_op_s<
1723 Mt, S,
1724 typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<hila::type_plus<hila::number_type<Mt>, S>,
1725 hila::number_type<Mt>>::value>> {
1726 // using type = Mt;
1727 using type = typename std::conditional<
1728 hila::is_floating_point<hila::arithmetic_type<Mt>>::value, Mt,
1729 Matrix<Mt::rows(), Mt::columns(),
1730 hila::type_plus<hila::arithmetic_type<Mt>, hila::arithmetic_type<S>>>>::type;
1733template <typename Mt, typename S>
1734using mat_scalar_type = typename matrix_scalar_op_s<Mt, S>::type;
1737} // namespace hila
1742 * @brief Return transposed Matrix or #Vector
1743 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::transpose
1744 *
1745 * Can be called as:
1746 * \code {.cpp}
1747 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,M_transposed;
1748 * M_transposed = transpose(M);
1749 * \endcode
1750 *
1751 *
1752 * @tparam Mtype Matrix type
1753 * @param arg Object to be transposed
1754 * @return auto Mtype transposed matrix
1755 */
1756template <typename Mtype, std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
1757inline auto transpose(const Mtype &arg) {
1758 return arg.transpose();
1762 * @brief Return conjugate Matrix or #Vector
1763 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::conj
1764 *
1765 * Can be called as:
1766 * \code {.cpp}
1767 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,M_conjugate;
1768 * M_conjugate = conj(M);
1769 * \endcode
1770 *
1771 *
1772 * @tparam Mtype Matrix type
1773 * @param arg Object to be conjugated
1774 * @return auto Mtype conjugated matrix
1775 */
1776template <typename Mtype, std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
1777inline auto conj(const Mtype &arg) {
1778 return arg.conj();
1782 * @brief Return adjoint Matrix
1783 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::adjoint
1784 *
1785 * Can be called as:
1786 * \code {.cpp}
1787 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,M_adjoint;
1788 * M_conjugate = adjoint(M);
1789 * \endcode
1790 *
1791 *
1792 * @tparam Mtype Matrix type
1793 * @param arg Object to compute adjoint of
1794 * @return auto Mtype adjoint matrix
1795 */
1796template <typename Mtype, std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
1797inline auto adjoint(const Mtype &arg) {
1798 return arg.adjoint();
1802 * @brief Return dagger of Matrix
1803 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::adjoint
1804 *
1805 * Same as adjoint
1806 *
1807 *
1808 * @tparam Mtype Matrix type
1809 * @param arg Object to compute dagger of
1810 * @return auto Mtype dagger matrix
1811 */
1812template <typename Mtype, std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
1813inline auto dagger(const Mtype &arg) {
1814 return arg.adjoint();
1818 * @brief Return absolute value Matrix or #Vector
1819 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::abs
1820 *
1821 * Can be called as:
1822 * \code {.cpp}
1823 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,M_abs;
1824 * M_abs = abs(M);
1825 * \endcode
1826 *
1827 *
1828 * @tparam Mtype Matrix type
1829 * @param arg Object to compute absolute value of
1830 * @return auto Mtype absolute value Matrix or Vector
1831 */
1832template <typename Mtype, std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
1833inline auto abs(const Mtype &arg) {
1834 return arg.abs();
1838 * @brief Return trace of square Matrix
1839 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::trace
1840 *
1841 * Can be called as:
1842 * \code {.cpp}
1843 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
1844 * MyType T;
1845 * T = trace(M);
1846 * \endcode
1847 *
1848 *
1849 * @tparam Mtype Matrix type
1850 * @param arg Object to compute trace of
1851 * @return auto Trace of Matrix
1852 */
1853template <typename Mtype, std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
1854inline auto trace(const Mtype &arg) {
1855 return arg.trace();
1859 * @brief Return real of Matrix or #Vector
1860 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::real
1861 *
1862 * Can be called as:
1863 * \code {.cpp}
1864 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,M_real;
1865 * M_real = real(M);
1866 * \endcode
1867 *
1868 *
1869 * @tparam Mtype Matrix type
1870 * @param arg Object to compute real part of
1871 * @return auto Mtype real part of arg
1872 */
1873template <typename Mtype, std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
1874inline auto real(const Mtype &arg) {
1875 return arg.real();
1879 * @brief Return imaginary of Matrix or #Vector
1880 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::imag
1881 *
1882 * Can be called as:
1883 * \code {.cpp}
1884 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,M_imag;
1885 * M_imag = imag(M);
1886 * \endcode
1887 *
1888 *
1889 * @tparam Mtype Matrix type
1890 * @param arg Object to compute imag part of
1891 * @return auto Mtype imag part of arg
1892 */
1893template <typename Mtype, std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
1894inline auto imag(const Mtype &arg) {
1895 return arg.imag();
1900// Now matrix additions: matrix + matrix
1903 * @brief Addition operator
1904 * @details Defined for the following operations
1905 *
1906 * __Matrix + Matrix:__
1907 *
1908 * Addition operator between matrices is defined in the usual way (element wise).
1909 *
1910 * __NOTE__: Matrices must share same dimensionality.
1911 *
1912 * \code {.cpp}
1913 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M, N, S;
1914 * M.fill(1);
1915 * N.fill(1);
1916 * S = M + N; // Resulting matrix is uniformly 2
1917 * \endcode
1918 *
1919 *
1920 * __Scalar + Matrix / Matrix + Scalar:__
1921 *
1922 * Addition operator between matrix and scalar is defined in the usual way, where the scalar is
1923 * added to the diagonal elements.
1924 *
1925 * __NOTE__: Exact definition exist in overloaded functions that can be viewed in source code.
1926 *
1927 * \f$ M + 2 = M + 2\cdot\mathbb{1} \f$
1928 *
1929 * \code {.cpp}
1930 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,S;
1931 * M.fill(0);
1932 * S = M + 1; // Resulting matrix is identity matrix
1933 * \endcode
1934 *
1935 *
1936 * @tparam Mtype1 Matrix type for a
1937 * @tparam Mtype2 Matrix type for b
1938 * @param a Left matrix or scalar
1939 * @param b Right matrix or scalar
1940 * @return Rtype Return matrix of compatible type between Mtype1 and Mtype2
1941 */
1942template <typename Mtype1, typename Mtype2,
1943 std::enable_if_t<Mtype1::is_matrix() && Mtype2::is_matrix(), int> = 0,
1944 typename Rtype = hila::mat_x_mat_type<Mtype1, Mtype2>,
1945 std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<Mtype1, Rtype>::value, int> = 0>
1946inline Rtype operator+(const Mtype1 &a, const Mtype2 &b) {
1948 constexpr int n = Mtype1::rows();
1949 constexpr int m = Mtype1::columns();
1951 static_assert(n == Mtype2::rows() && m == Mtype2::columns(), "Matrix sizes do not match");
1953 Rtype r;
1954 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
1955 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
1956 r.e(i, j) = a.e(i, j) + b.e(i, j);
1957 return r;
1960// Real micro-optimization wrt. above - no extra creation of variable and copy.
1962template <typename Mtype1, typename Mtype2,
1963 std::enable_if_t<Mtype1::is_matrix() && Mtype2::is_matrix(), int> = 0,
1964 typename Rtype = hila::mat_x_mat_type<Mtype1, Mtype2>,
1965 std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Mtype1, Rtype>::value, int> = 0>
1966inline Rtype operator+(Mtype1 a, const Mtype2 &b) {
1968 constexpr int n = Mtype1::rows();
1969 constexpr int m = Mtype1::columns();
1971 static_assert(n == Mtype2::rows() && m == Mtype2::columns(), "Matrix sizes do not match");
1973 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
1974 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
1975 a.e(i, j) += b.e(i, j);
1976 return a;
1980 * @brief Subtraction operator
1981 * @details Defined for the following operations
1982 *
1983 * __Matrix - Matrix:__
1984 *
1985 * Subtraction operator between matrices is defined in the usual way (element wise).
1986 *
1987 * __NOTE__: Matrices must share same dimensionality.
1988 *
1989 * \code {.cpp}
1990 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M, N, S;
1991 * M.fill(1);
1992 * N.fill(1);
1993 * S = M - N; // Resulting matrix is uniformly 0
1994 * \endcode
1995 *
1996 *
1997 * __Scalar - Matrix / Matrix - Scalar:__
1998 *
1999 * Subtraction operator between matrix and scalar is defined in the usual way, where the scalar is
2000 * subtracted from the diagonal elements.
2001 *
2002 * __NOTE__: Exact definition exist in overloaded functions that can be viewed in source code.
2003 *
2004 * \f$ M - 2 = M - 2\cdot\mathbb{1} \f$
2005 *
2006 * \code {.cpp}
2007 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M,S;
2008 * M = 2; // M = 2*I
2009 * S = M - 1; // Resulting matrix is identity matrix
2010 * \endcode
2011 *
2012 *
2013 * @tparam Mtype1 Matrix type for a
2014 * @tparam Mtype2 Matrix type for b
2015 * @param a Left matrix or scalar
2016 * @param b Right matrix or scalar
2017 * @return Rtype Return matrix of compatible type between Mtype1 and Mtype2
2018 */
2019template <typename Mtype1, typename Mtype2,
2020 std::enable_if_t<Mtype1::is_matrix() && Mtype2::is_matrix(), int> = 0,
2021 typename Rtype = hila::mat_x_mat_type<Mtype1, Mtype2>>
2022inline Rtype operator-(const Mtype1 &a, const Mtype2 &b) {
2024 constexpr int n = Mtype1::rows();
2025 constexpr int m = Mtype1::columns();
2027 static_assert(n == Mtype2::rows() && m == Mtype2::columns(), "Matrix sizes do not match");
2029 Rtype r;
2030 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
2031 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
2032 r.e(i, j) = a.e(i, j) - b.e(i, j);
2033 return r;
2036// Matrix + scalar
2037template <typename Mtype, typename S,
2038 std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix() && hila::is_complex_or_arithmetic<S>::value, int> = 0,
2039 typename Rtype = hila::mat_scalar_type<Mtype, S>>
2040inline Rtype operator+(const Mtype &a, const S &b) {
2042 static_assert(Mtype::rows() == Mtype::columns(),
2043 "Matrix + scalar possible only for square matrix");
2045 Rtype r;
2046 for (int i = 0; i < Rtype::rows(); i++)
2047 for (int j = 0; j < Rtype::columns(); j++) {
2048 r.e(i, j) = a.e(i, j);
2049 if (i == j)
2050 r.e(i, j) += b;
2051 }
2052 return r;
2055// scalar + matrix
2056template <typename Mtype, typename S,
2057 std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix() && hila::is_complex_or_arithmetic<S>::value, int> = 0,
2058 typename Rtype = hila::mat_scalar_type<Mtype, S>>
2059inline Rtype operator+(const S &b, const Mtype &a) {
2061 static_assert(Mtype::rows() == Mtype::columns(),
2062 "Matrix + scalar possible only for square matrix");
2063 return a + b;
2066// matrix - scalar
2067template <typename Mtype, typename S,
2068 std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix() && hila::is_complex_or_arithmetic<S>::value, int> = 0,
2069 typename Rtype = hila::mat_scalar_type<Mtype, S>>
2070inline Rtype operator-(const Mtype &a, const S &b) {
2072 static_assert(Mtype::rows() == Mtype::columns(),
2073 "Matrix - scalar possible only for square matrix");
2075 Rtype r;
2076 for (int i = 0; i < Rtype::rows(); i++)
2077 for (int j = 0; j < Rtype::columns(); j++) {
2078 r.e(i, j) = a.e(i, j);
2079 if (i == j)
2080 r.e(i, j) -= b;
2081 }
2082 return r;
2085// scalar - matrix
2086template <typename Mtype, typename S,
2087 std::enable_if_t<Mtype::is_matrix() && hila::is_complex_or_arithmetic<S>::value, int> = 0,
2088 typename Rtype = hila::mat_scalar_type<Mtype, S>>
2089inline Rtype operator-(const S &b, const Mtype &a) {
2091 static_assert(Mtype::rows() == Mtype::columns(),
2092 "Scalar - matrix possible only for square matrix");
2094 Rtype r;
2095 for (int i = 0; i < Rtype::rows(); i++)
2096 for (int j = 0; j < Rtype::columns(); j++) {
2097 r.e(i, j) = -a.e(i, j);
2098 if (i == j)
2099 r.e(i, j) += b;
2100 }
2101 return r;
2105// matrix * matrix is the most important bit
2107// same type square matrices:
2108template <typename Mt, std::enable_if_t<Mt::is_matrix() && Mt::is_square(), int> = 0>
2109inline Mt operator*(const Mt &a, const Mt &b) {
2111 constexpr int n = Mt::rows();
2113 Mt res;
2115 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
2116 for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
2117 res.e(i, j) = a.e(i, 0) * b.e(0, j);
2118 for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) {
2119 res.e(i, j) += a.e(i, k) * b.e(k, j);
2120 }
2121 }
2122 return res;
2126 * @brief Multiplication operator
2127 * @details Multiplication type depends on the original types of the multiplied matrices. Defined
2128 * for the following operations.
2129 *
2130 * __Matrix * Matrix:__
2131 *
2132 * [Standard matrix multiplication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication) where LHS
2133 * columns must match RHS rows
2134 *
2135 * \code {.cpp}
2136 * Matrix<2, 3, double> M;
2137 * Matrix<3, 2, double> N;
2138 * M.random();
2139 * N.random();
2140 * auto S = N * M; // Results in a 3 x 3 Matrix since N.rows() = 3 and M.columns = 3
2141 * \endcode
2142 *
2143 * __RowVector * #Vector / #Vector * #RowVector:__
2144 *
2145 * Defined as standard [dot product](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product) between vectors as
2146 * long as vectors are of same length
2147 *
2148 * \code {.cpp}
2149 * RowVector<n,MyType> V;
2150 * Vector<n,MyType> W;
2151 * //
2152 * // Fill V and W
2153 * //
2154 * auto S = V*W; // Results in MyType scalar
2155 * \endcode
2156 *
2157 * #Vector * RowVector is same as outer product which is equivalent to a matrix
2158 * multiplication
2159 *
2160 * \code {.cpp}
2161 * auto S = W*V // Result in n x n Matrix of type MyType
2162 * \endcode
2163 *
2164 * __Matrix * Scalar / Scalar * Matrix:__
2165 *
2166 * Multiplication operator between Matrix and Scalar are defined in the usual way (element wise)
2167 *
2168 * \code {.cpp}
2169 * Matrix<n,n,MyType> M;
2170 * M.fill(1);
2171 * auto S = M*2; // Resulting Matrix is uniformly 2
2172 * \endcode
2173 *
2174 * @tparam Mt1 Matrix type for a
2175 * @tparam Mt2 Matrix type for b
2176 * @tparam n Number of rows
2177 * @tparam m Number of columns
2178 * @param a Left Matrix, Vector or Scalar
2179 * @param b Right Matrix, Vector or Scalar
2180 * @return Matrix<n, m, R>
2181 */
2182template <typename Mt1, typename Mt2,
2183 std::enable_if_t<Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() && !std::is_same<Mt1, Mt2>::value,
2184 int> = 0,
2185 typename R = hila::type_mul<hila::number_type<Mt1>, hila::number_type<Mt2>>,
2186 int n = Mt1::rows(), int m = Mt2::columns()>
2187inline Matrix<n, m, R> operator*(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b) {
2189 constexpr int p = Mt1::columns();
2190 static_assert(p == Mt2::rows(), "Matrix size: LHS columns != RHS rows");
2192 Matrix<n, m, R> res;
2194 if constexpr (n > 1 && m > 1) {
2195 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
2196 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
2197 res.e(i, j) = a.e(i, 0) * b.e(0, j);
2198 for (int k = 1; k < p; k++) {
2199 res.e(i, j) += a.e(i, k) * b.e(k, j);
2200 }
2201 }
2202 } else if constexpr (m == 1) {
2203 // matrix x vector
2204 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
2205 res.e(i) = a.e(i, 0) * b.e(0);
2206 for (int k = 1; k < p; k++) {
2207 res.e(i) += a.e(i, k) * b.e(k);
2208 }
2209 }
2210 } else if constexpr (n == 1) {
2211 // vector x matrix
2212 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
2213 res.e(j) = a.e(0) * b.e(0, j);
2214 for (int k = 1; k < p; k++) {
2215 res.e(j) += a.e(k) * b.e(k, j);
2216 }
2217 }
2218 }
2220 return res;
2223// and treat separately horiz. vector * vector
2224template <int m, int n, typename T1, typename T2, typename Rt = hila::ntype_op<T1, T2>>
2225Rt operator*(const Matrix<1, m, T1> &A, const Matrix<n, 1, T2> &B) {
2227 static_assert(m == n, "Vector lengths do not match");
2229 Rt res;
2230 res = A.e(0) * B.e(0);
2231 for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) {
2232 res += A.e(i) * B.e(i);
2233 }
2234 return res;
2239// matrix * scalar
2240template <typename Mt, typename S,
2241 std::enable_if_t<(Mt::is_matrix() && hila::is_complex_or_arithmetic<S>::value), int> = 0,
2242 typename Rt = hila::mat_scalar_type<Mt, S>>
2243inline Rt operator*(const Mt &mat, const S &rhs) {
2244 Rt res;
2245 for (int i = 0; i < Rt::rows() * Rt::columns(); i++) {
2246 res.c[i] = mat.c[i] * rhs;
2247 }
2248 return res;
2251// scalar * matrix
2252template <typename Mt, typename S,
2253 std::enable_if_t<(Mt::is_matrix() && hila::is_complex_or_arithmetic<S>::value), int> = 0,
2254 typename Rt = hila::mat_scalar_type<Mt, S>>
2255inline Rt operator*(const S &rhs, const Mt &mat) {
2256 return mat * rhs; // assume commutes
2259// matrix / scalar
2262 * @brief Division operator
2263 *
2264 * Defined for following operations
2265 *
2266 * __ Matrix / Scalar: __
2267 *
2268 * Division operator between Matrix and Scalar are defined in the usual way (element wise)
2269 *
2270 * \code {.cpp}
2271 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
2272 * M.fill(2);
2273 * auto S = M/2; // Resulting matrix is uniformly 1
2274 * \endcode
2275 *
2276 * @tparam Mt Matrix type
2277 * @tparam S Scalar type
2278 * @param mat Matrix to divide scalar with
2279 * @param rhs Scalar to divide with
2280 * @return Rt Resulting Matrix
2281 */
2282template <typename Mt, typename S,
2283 std::enable_if_t<(Mt::is_matrix() && hila::is_complex_or_arithmetic<S>::value), int> = 0,
2284 typename Rt = hila::mat_scalar_type<Mt, S>>
2285inline Rt operator/(const Mt &mat, const S &rhs) {
2286 Rt res;
2287 for (int i = 0; i < Rt::rows() * Rt::columns(); i++) {
2288 res.c[i] = mat.c[i] / rhs;
2289 }
2290 return res;
2295 * @brief Returns trace of product of two matrices
2296 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::mul_trace in the form
2297 * \code {.cpp}
2298 * mul_trace(a,b) // -> a.mul_trace(b)
2299 * \endcode
2300 *
2301 * @tparam Mtype1 Matrix type for a
2302 * @tparam Mtype2 Matrix type for b
2303 * @param a Left Matrix
2304 * @param b Right Matrix
2305 * @return auto Resulting trace
2306 */
2307template <typename Mtype1, typename Mtype2,
2308 std::enable_if_t<Mtype1::is_matrix() && Mtype2::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
2309inline auto mul_trace(const Mtype1 &a, const Mtype2 &b) {
2311 static_assert(Mtype1::columns() == Mtype2::rows() && Mtype1::rows() == Mtype2::columns(),
2312 "mul_trace(a,b): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2313 return a.mul_trace(b);
2317 * @brief compute product of two matrices and write result to existing matrix
2318 *
2319 * @tparam Mt1, Mt2, Mt3 Matrix types
2320 * @param a Left Matrix of type Mt1
2321 * @param b Right Matrix of type Mt2
2322 * @param c Matrix of type Mt3 to which result gets written
2323 * @return void
2324 */
2325template <typename Mt1, typename Mt2, typename Mt3,
2326 std::enable_if_t<Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() && Mt3::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
2327inline void mult(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b, out_only Mt3 &res) {
2328 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::rows() && Mt1::rows() == Mt3::rows() &&
2329 Mt2::columns() == Mt3::columns(),
2330 "mult(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2331 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2332 constexpr int m = Mt2::columns();
2333 constexpr int l = Mt2::rows();
2334 int i, j, k;
2335 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2336 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2337 res.e(i, j) = a.e(i, 0) * b.e(0, j);
2338 for (k = 1; k < l; ++k) {
2339 res.e(i, j) += a.e(i, k) * b.e(k, j);
2340 }
2341 }
2342 }
2346 * @brief compute hermitian conjugate of product of two matrices and write result to existing
2347 * matrix
2348 * @tparam Mt1, Mt2, Mt3 Matrix types
2349 * @param a Left Matrix of type Mt1
2350 * @param b Right Matrix of type Mt2
2351 * @param c Matrix of type Mt3 to which result gets written
2352 * @return void
2353 */
2354template <typename Mt1, typename Mt2, typename Mt3,
2355 std::enable_if_t<Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() && Mt3::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
2356inline void mult_aa(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b, out_only Mt3 &res) {
2357 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::rows() && Mt1::rows() == Mt3::columns() &&
2358 Mt2::columns() == Mt3::rows(),
2359 "mult_aa(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2360 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2361 constexpr int m = Mt2::columns();
2362 constexpr int l = Mt2::rows();
2363 int i, j, k;
2364 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2365 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2366 res.e(j, i) = conj(a.e(i, 0) * b.e(0, j));
2367 for (k = 1; k < l; ++k) {
2368 res.e(j, i) += conj(a.e(i, k) * b.e(k, j));
2369 }
2370 }
2371 }
2375 * @brief compute product of a matrix and a scalar and write result to existing matrix
2376 *
2377 * @tparam Mt1 Matrix type1, S Scalar type, Mt2 Matrix type2
2378 * @param a Left Matrix of type Mt1
2379 * @param b Right Scalar of type S
2380 * @param c Matrix of type Mt2 to which result gets written
2381 * @return void
2382 */
2383template <typename Mt1, typename S, typename Mt2,
2384 std::enable_if_t<(Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() &&
2386 int> = 0>
2387inline void mult(const Mt1 &a, const S &b, out_only Mt2 &res) {
2388 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::columns() && Mt1::rows() == Mt2::rows(),
2389 "mult(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2390 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2391 constexpr int m = Mt1::columns();
2392 int i, j, k;
2393 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2394 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2395 res.e(i, j) = a.e(i, j) * b;
2396 }
2397 }
2401 * @brief compute product of a scalar and a matrix and write result to existing matrix
2402 *
2403 * @tparam S Scalar type, Mt1 Matrix type1, Mt2 Matrix type2
2404 * @param a Left Scalar of type S
2405 * @param b Right Matrix of type Mt1
2406 * @param c Matrix of type Mt2 to which result gets written
2407 * @return void
2408 */
2409template <typename S, typename Mt1, typename Mt2,
2410 std::enable_if_t<(Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() &&
2412 int> = 0>
2413inline void mult(const S &a, const Mt1 &b, out_only Mt2 &res) {
2414 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::columns() && Mt1::rows() == Mt2::rows(),
2415 "mult(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2416 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2417 constexpr int m = Mt1::columns();
2418 int i, j, k;
2419 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2420 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2421 res.e(i, j) = b.e(i, j) * a;
2422 }
2423 }
2427 * @brief compute product of two matrices and add result to existing matrix
2428 *
2429 * @tparam Mt1, Mt2, Mt3 Matrix types
2430 * @param a Left Matrix of type Mt1
2431 * @param b Right Matrix of type Mt2
2432 * @param c Matrix of type Mt3 to which result gets written
2433 * @return void
2434 */
2435template <typename Mt1, typename Mt2, typename Mt3,
2436 std::enable_if_t<Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() && Mt3::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
2437inline void mult_add(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b, Mt3 &res) {
2438 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::rows() && Mt1::rows() == Mt3::rows() &&
2439 Mt2::columns() == Mt3::columns(),
2440 "mult_add(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2441 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2442 constexpr int m = Mt2::columns();
2443 constexpr int l = Mt2::rows();
2444 int i, j, k;
2445 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2446 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2447 for (k = 0; k < l; ++k) {
2448 res.e(i, j) += a.e(i, k) * b.e(k, j);
2449 }
2450 }
2451 }
2455 * @brief compute product of a matrix and a scalar and add result to existing matrix
2456 *
2457 * @tparam Mt1 Matrix type1, S Scalar type, Mt2 Matrix type2
2458 * @param a Left Matrix of type Mt1
2459 * @param b Right Scalar of type S
2460 * @param c Matrix of type Mt2 to which result gets written
2461 * @return void
2462 */
2463template <typename Mt1, typename S, typename Mt2,
2464 std::enable_if_t<(Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() &&
2466 int> = 0>
2467inline void mult_add(const Mt1 &a, const S &b, Mt2 &res) {
2468 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::columns() && Mt1::rows() == Mt2::rows(),
2469 "mult_add(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2470 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2471 constexpr int m = Mt1::columns();
2472 int i, j, k;
2473 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2474 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2475 res.e(i, j) += a.e(i, j) * b;
2476 }
2477 }
2481 * @brief compute product of a scalar and a matrix and add result to existing matrix
2482 *
2483 * @tparam S Scalar type, Mt1 Matrix type1, Mt2 Matrix type2
2484 * @param a Left Scalar of type S
2485 * @param b Right Matrix of type Mt1
2486 * @param c Matrix of type Mt2 to which result gets written
2487 * @return void
2488 */
2489template <typename S, typename Mt1, typename Mt2,
2490 std::enable_if_t<(Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() &&
2492 int> = 0>
2493inline void mult_add(const S &a, const Mt1 &b, Mt2 &res) {
2494 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::columns() && Mt1::rows() == Mt2::rows(),
2495 "mult_add(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2496 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2497 constexpr int m = Mt1::columns();
2498 int i, j, k;
2499 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2500 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2501 res.e(i, j) += b.e(i, j) * a;
2502 }
2503 }
2508 * @brief compute product of two matrices and subtract result from existing matrix
2509 *
2510 * @tparam Mt1, Mt2, Mt3 Matrix types
2511 * @param a Left Matrix of type Mt1
2512 * @param b Right Matrix of type Mt2
2513 * @param c Matrix of type Mt3 to which result gets written
2514 * @return void
2515 */
2516template <typename Mt1, typename Mt2, typename Mt3,
2517 std::enable_if_t<Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() && Mt3::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
2518inline void mult_sub(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b, Mt3 &res) {
2519 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::rows() && Mt1::rows() == Mt3::rows() &&
2520 Mt2::columns() == Mt3::columns(),
2521 "mult_sub(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2522 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2523 constexpr int m = Mt2::columns();
2524 constexpr int l = Mt2::rows();
2525 int i, j, k;
2526 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2527 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2528 for (k = 0; k < l; ++k) {
2529 res.e(i, j) -= a.e(i, k) * b.e(k, j);
2530 }
2531 }
2532 }
2536 * @brief compute product of a matrix and a scalar and subtract result from existing matrix
2537 *
2538 * @tparam Mt1 Matrix type1, S Scalar type, Mt2 Matrix type2
2539 * @param a Left Matrix of type Mt1
2540 * @param b Right Scalar of type S
2541 * @param c Matrix of type Mt2 to which result gets written
2542 * @return void
2543 */
2544template <typename Mt1, typename S, typename Mt2,
2545 std::enable_if_t<(Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() &&
2547 int> = 0>
2548inline void mult_sub(const Mt1 &a, const S &b, Mt2 &res) {
2549 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::columns() && Mt1::rows() == Mt2::rows(),
2550 "mult_sub(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2551 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2552 constexpr int m = Mt1::columns();
2553 int i, j, k;
2554 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2555 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2556 res.e(i, j) -= a.e(i, j) * b;
2557 }
2558 }
2562 * @brief compute product of a scalar and a matrix and subtract result from existing matrix
2563 *
2564 * @tparam S Scalar type, Mt1 Matrix type1, Mt2 Matrix type2
2565 * @param a Left Scalar of type S
2566 * @param b Right Matrix of type Mt1
2567 * @param c Matrix of type Mt2 to which result gets written
2568 * @return void
2569 */
2570template <typename S, typename Mt1, typename Mt2,
2571 std::enable_if_t<(Mt1::is_matrix() && Mt2::is_matrix() &&
2573 int> = 0>
2574inline void mult_sub(const S &a, const Mt1 &b, Mt2 &res) {
2575 static_assert(Mt1::columns() == Mt2::columns() && Mt1::rows() == Mt2::rows(),
2576 "mult_sub(a,b,c): matrix sizes are not compatible");
2577 constexpr int n = Mt1::rows();
2578 constexpr int m = Mt1::columns();
2579 int i, j, k;
2580 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2581 for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
2582 res.e(i, j) -= b.e(i, j) * a;
2583 }
2584 }
2590// Stream operator
2592 * @brief Stream operator
2593 * @details Naive Stream operator for formatting Matrix for printing. Simply puts elements one after
2594 * the other in row major order
2595 *
2596 * @tparam n
2597 * @tparam m
2598 * @tparam T
2599 * @tparam MT
2600 * @param strm
2601 * @param A
2602 * @return std::ostream&
2603 */
2604template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
2605std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &strm, const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &A) {
2606 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
2607 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
2608 strm << A.e(i, j);
2609 if (i < n - 1 || j < m - 1)
2610 strm << ' ';
2611 }
2612 return strm;
2615// Convert to string for "pretty" printing
2618namespace hila {
2621 * @brief Converts Matrix_t object to string
2622 *
2623 * @tparam n Number of rows
2624 * @tparam m Number of columns
2625 * @tparam T Matrix element type
2626 * @tparam MT Matrix type
2627 * @param A Matrix to convert to string
2628 * @param prec Precision of T
2629 * @param separator Separator between elements
2630 * @return std::string
2631 */
2632template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
2633std::string to_string(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &A, int prec = 8, char separator = ' ') {
2634 std::stringstream strm;
2635 strm.precision(prec);
2637 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
2638 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
2639 strm << hila::to_string(A.e(i, j), prec, separator);
2640 if (i < n - 1 || j < m - 1)
2641 strm << separator;
2642 }
2643 return strm.str();
2647 * @brief Formats Matrix_t object in a human readable way
2648 * @details Example 2 x 3 matrix is the following
2649 * \code {.cpp}
2650 * Matrix<2, 3, double> W;
2651 * W.random();
2652 * hila::out0 << hila::prettyprint(W ,4) << '\n';
2653 * // Result:
2654 * // [ 0.8555 0.006359 0.3193 ]
2655 * // [ 0.237 0.8871 0.8545 ]
2656 * \endcode
2657 *
2658 *
2659 * @tparam n Number of rows
2660 * @tparam m Number of columns
2661 * @tparam T Matrix element type
2662 * @tparam MT Matrix type
2663 * @param A Matrix to be formatted
2664 * @param prec Precision of Matrix element
2665 * @return std::string
2666 */
2667template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
2668std::string prettyprint(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &A, int prec = 8) {
2669 std::stringstream strm;
2670 strm.precision(prec);
2672 if constexpr (n == 1) {
2673 // print a vector, horizontally
2674 strm << '[';
2675 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++)
2676 strm << ' ' << prettyprint(A.e(i), prec);
2677 strm << " ]";
2678 // if (n > 1)
2679 // strm << "^T";
2680 } else {
2681 // now a matrix - split the matrix on lines.
2682 // do it so that columns are equal width...
2683 std::vector<std::string> lines, columns;
2684 lines.resize(n);
2685 columns.resize(n);
2687 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
2688 lines[i] = "[ ";
2689 for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
2690 int size = 0;
2691 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
2692 std::stringstream item;
2693 item << prettyprint(A.e(i, j), prec);
2694 columns[i] = item.str();
2695 if (columns[i].size() > size)
2696 size = columns[i].size();
2697 }
2698 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
2699 lines[i].append(size - columns[i].size(), ' ');
2700 lines[i].append(columns[i]);
2701 lines[i].append(1, ' ');
2702 }
2703 }
2704 for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
2705 strm << lines[i] << "]\n";
2706 }
2707 strm << lines[n - 1] << "]";
2708 }
2709 return strm.str();
2712} // namespace hila
2715 * @brief Returns square norm of Matrix
2716 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::squarenorm - sum of squared elements
2717 *
2718 * Can be called as:
2719 * \code {.cpp}
2720 * Matrix<n,m,MyType> M;
2721 * auto a = squarenorm(M);
2722 * \endcode
2723 *
2724 * @tparam Mt Matrix type
2725 * @param rhs Matrix to compute square norm of
2726 * @return auto
2727 */
2728template <typename Mt, std::enable_if_t<Mt::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
2729inline auto squarenorm(const Mt &rhs) {
2730 return rhs.squarenorm();
2733// Vector norm - sqrt of squarenorm()
2736 * @brief Returns vector norm of Matrix
2737 * @details Wrapper around Matrix::norm - sqrt of sum of squared elements
2738 * @tparam Mt Matrix type
2739 * @param rhs Matrix to compute norm of
2740 * @return auto
2741 */
2742template <typename Mt, std::enable_if_t<Mt::is_matrix(), int> = 0>
2743inline auto norm(const Mt &rhs) {
2744 return rhs.norm();
2748// Cast operators to different number type
2749// cast_to<double>(a);
2751template <typename Ntype, typename T, int n, int m,
2752 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_arithmetic<T>::value, int> = 0>
2755 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++)
2756 res.c[i] = mat.c[i];
2757 return res;
2760template <typename Ntype, typename T, int n, int m,
2761 std::enable_if_t<hila::is_complex<T>::value, int> = 0>
2764 for (int i = 0; i < n * m; i++)
2765 res.c[i] = cast_to<Ntype>(mat.c[i]);
2766 return res;
2770 * @brief Calculate exp of a square matrix
2771 * @details Computes up to certain order given as argument
2772 *
2773 * __Evaluation is done as__:
2774 * \f{align}{ \exp(H) &= 1 + H + \frac{H^2}{2!} + \frac{H^2}{2!} + \frac{H^3}{3!} \\
2775 * &= 1 + H\cdot(1 + (\frac{H}{2})\cdot (1 + (\frac{H}{3})\cdot(...))) \f}
2776 * Done backwards in order to reduce accumulation of errors
2778 * @tparam n Number of rowsMa
2779 * @tparam T Matrix element type
2780 * @tparam MT Matrix type
2781 * @param mat Matrix to compute exponential for
2782 * @param order order to compute exponential to
2783 * @return Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT>
2784 */
2785template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
2786inline Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> exp(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, const int order = 20) {
2787 static_assert(n == m, "exp() only for square matrices");
2788 if(order>0) {
2789 hila::arithmetic_type<T> one = 1.0;
2790 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> r = mat;
2792 // doing the loop step-by-step should reduce temporaries
2793 for (int k = order; k > 1; k--) {
2794 r *= (one / k);
2795 r += one;
2796 r *= mat;
2797 }
2798 r += one;
2800 return r;
2801 } else {
2802 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> r(1.0);
2803 return r;
2804 }
2808 * @brief Calculate exp of a square matrix
2809 * @details Adds higher order terms till matrix norm converges within floating point accuracy and
2810 * returns required number of iterations
2812 * @tparam n Number of rowsMa
2813 * @tparam T Matrix element type
2814 * @tparam MT Matrix type
2815 * @param mat Matrix to compute exponential for
2816 * @param niter (output) number of iteration performed till converges was reached
2817 * @return Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT>
2818 */
2819template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT, typename atype = hila::arithmetic_type<T>>
2820inline Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> altexp(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, out_only int &niter) {
2821 static_assert(n == m, "exp() only for square matrices");
2822 atype one = 1.0;
2823 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> r = mat, mpow = mat;
2824 r += one;
2825 atype orsqnorm, rsqnorm = r.squarenorm();
2826 niter = 1;
2827 for (int k = 2; k < n * 15; ++k) {
2828 mpow *= mat;
2829 mpow *= (one / k);
2830 r += mpow;
2831 orsqnorm = rsqnorm;
2832 rsqnorm = r.squarenorm();
2833 if(rsqnorm == orsqnorm) {
2834 niter = k;
2835 break;
2836 }
2837 }
2839 return r;
2843 * @brief Calculate exp of a square matrix
2844 * @details Adds hihger order terms till matrix norm converges within floating point accuracy
2846 * @tparam n Number of rowsMa
2847 * @tparam T Matrix element type
2848 * @tparam MT Matrix type
2849 * @param mat Matrix to compute exponential for
2850 * @return Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT>
2851 */
2852template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT, typename atype = hila::arithmetic_type<T>>
2854 static_assert(n == m, "exp() only for square matrices");
2855 atype one = 1.0;
2856 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> r = mat, mpow = mat;
2857 r += one;
2858 atype orsqnorm, rsqnorm = r.squarenorm();
2859 for (int k = 2; k < n * 15; ++k) {
2860 mpow *= mat;
2861 mpow *= (one / k);
2862 r += mpow;
2863 orsqnorm = rsqnorm;
2864 rsqnorm = r.squarenorm();
2865 if (rsqnorm == orsqnorm) {
2866 break;
2867 }
2868 }
2869 return r;
2873 * @brief Calculate mmat*exp(mat) and trace(mmat*dexp(mat))
2874 * @details exp and dexp computation is done using factorized, truncated
2875 * Taylor series method
2877 * @tparam n Number of rowsMa
2878 * @tparam T Matrix element type
2879 * @tparam MT Matrix type
2880 * @param mat Matrix to compute exponential for
2881 * @param mmat Matrix to multiply with
2882 * @param r Matrix to which mmat*exp(mat) gets stored
2883 * @param dr matrix to which trace(mmat*dexp(mat)) gets stored
2884 * @param order = 20 integer input parameter giving the Taylor series truncation order
2885 * @return void
2886 */
2887template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
2888inline void mult_exp(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mmat,
2889 out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &r, out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &dr,
2890 const int order = 20) {
2891 static_assert(n == m, "mult_exp() only for square matrices");
2893 if (order > 0) {
2894 hila::arithmetic_type<T> one = 1.0;
2895 r = mat;
2896 dr = mmat;
2897 // doing the loop step-by-step should reduce temporaries
2898 for (int k = order; k > 1; k--) {
2899 r *= (one / k);
2900 r += one;
2902 dr *= mat;
2903 dr *= (one / k);
2904 dr += r * mmat;
2906 r *= mat;
2907 }
2908 r += one;
2909 r = mmat * r;
2910 } else {
2911 r = mmat;
2912 dr = 0;
2913 }
2917// Calculate exp of a square matrix
2918// using iterative Cayley-Hamilton described in arXiv:2404.07704
2920 * @brief Calculate exp of a square matrix
2921 * @details Computation is done using iterative Cayley-Hamilton (cf. from arXiv:2404.07704)
2923 * @tparam n Number of rowsMa
2924 * @tparam T Matrix element type
2925 * @tparam MT Matrix type
2926 * @param mat Matrix to compute exponential for
2927 * @param omat Matrix to which exponential of mat gets stored (optional)
2928 * @param pl array of n+1 temporary nxn Matrices (optional)
2929 * @return void (if omat is provided) or Matrix_t<n,m,T,MT>
2930 */
2931template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT, typename Mt,
2932 std::enable_if_t<Mt::is_matrix() && Mt::is_square() && Mt::rows() == n, int> = 0>
2933inline int chexp(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &omat,
2934 Mt(out_only &pl)[n]) {
2935 static_assert(n == m, "chexp() only for square matrices");
2936 // compute the first n matrix powers of mat and the corresponding traces :
2937 // the i-th matrix power of mat[][] is stored in pl[i][][]
2938 T trpl[n + 1]; // the trace of pl[i][][] is stored in trpl[i]
2939 trpl[0] = n;
2940 pl[1] = mat;
2941 trpl[1] = trace(pl[1]);
2942 int i, j, k;
2943 for (i = 2; i < n; ++i) {
2944 j = i / 2;
2945 k = i % 2;
2946 mult(pl[j], pl[j + k], pl[i]);
2947 trpl[i] = trace(pl[i]);
2948 }
2949 j = n / 2;
2950 k = n % 2;
2951 trpl[n] = mul_trace(pl[j], pl[j + k]);
2953 // compute the characteristic polynomial coefficients crpl[] from the traced powers trpl[] :
2954 T crpl[n + 1];
2955 crpl[n] = 1;
2956 for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
2957 crpl[n - j] = -trpl[j];
2958 for (i = 1; i < j; ++i) {
2959 crpl[n - j] -= crpl[n - (j - i)] * trpl[i];
2960 }
2961 crpl[n - j] /= j;
2962 }
2965 int mmax = 15 * n; // maximum number of Cayley-Hamilton iterations if no convergence is reached
2966 T al[n], pal[n]; // temp. Cayley-Hamilton coefficents
2967 hila::arithmetic_type<T>
2968 wpf = 1.0,
2969 twpf = 1.0; // initial values for power series coefficnet and its running sum
2971 // set initial values for the n entries in al[] and pal[] :
2972 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
2973 pal[i] = 0;
2974 al[i] = wpf;
2975 wpf /= (i + 1); // compute (i+1)-th power series coefficent from the i-th coefficient
2976 twpf += wpf;
2977 }
2978 pal[n - 1] = 1.0;
2980 // next we iteratively add higher order power series terms to al[] till al[] stops changing
2981 // more precisely: the iteration will terminate as soon as twpf stops changing. Here twpf
2982 // is the sum \sum_{i=0}^{j} s_i/i!, with s_i referring to the magnitude the vector pal[]
2983 // would have at iteration i, if no renormalization were used.
2984 T cho; // temporary variables for iteration
2985 hila::arithmetic_type<T> ttwpf; // temporary variable for convergence check
2986 hila::arithmetic_type<T> s, rs = 1.0; // temp variables used for renormalization of pal[]
2987 for (j = n; j < mmax; ++j) {
2988 s = 0;
2989 cho = pal[n - 1] * rs;
2990 for (i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
2991 pal[i] = pal[i - 1] * rs - cho * crpl[i];
2992 s += ::squarenorm(pal[i]);
2993 al[i] += wpf * pal[i];
2994 }
2995 pal[0] = -cho * crpl[0];
2996 s += ::squarenorm(pal[0]);
2997 al[0] += wpf * pal[0];
2999 if (s > 1.0) {
3000 // if s is bigger than 1, normalize pal[] by a factor rs=1.0/s in next itaration,
3001 // and multiply wpf by s to compensate
3002 s = sqrt(s);
3003 wpf *= s / (j + 1);
3004 rs = 1.0 / s;
3005 } else {
3006 wpf /= (j + 1);
3007 rs = 1.0;
3008 }
3009 ttwpf = twpf;
3010 twpf += wpf;
3011 if (ttwpf == twpf) {
3012 // terminate iteration when numeric value of twpf stops changing
3013 break;
3014 }
3015 }
3016 // if(hila::myrank()==0) {
3017 // std::cout<<"chexp niter: "<<j<<" ("<<j-n<<")"<<std::endl;
3018 // }
3020 // form output matrix:
3021 omat = al[0];
3022 for (k = 1; k < n;++k) {
3023 mult_add(al[k], pl[k], omat);
3024 }
3026 return j;
3029// overload wrapper for chexp where omat is not provided
3030template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT, typename Mt,
3031 std::enable_if_t<Mt::is_matrix() && Mt::is_square() && Mt::rows()==n, int> = 0>
3033 Mt(out_only &pl)[n]) {
3034 static_assert(n == m, "chexp() only for square matrices");
3035 chexp(mat, pl[0], pl);
3036 return pl[0];
3039// overload wrapper for chexp which creates the temporary matrix array pl[n+1] internally
3040template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
3041inline int chexp(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &omat) {
3042 static_assert(n == m, "chexp() only for square matrices");
3044 return chexp(mat, omat, pl);
3047// overload wrapper for chexp where omat is not provided
3048// and which creates the temporary matrix array pl[n+1] internally
3049template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
3051 static_assert(n == m, "chexp() only for square matrices");
3053 chexp(mat, pl[0], pl);
3054 return pl[0];
3057// overload wrapper for chexp where omat is not provided but niter
3058template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT, typename Mt,
3059 std::enable_if_t<Mt::is_matrix() && Mt::is_square() && Mt::rows() == n, int> = 0>
3060inline Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> chexp(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, out_only int &niter, Mt(out_only &pl)[n]) {
3061 static_assert(n == m, "chexp() only for square matrices");
3062 niter = chexp(mat, pl[0], pl);
3063 return pl[0];
3066// overload wrapper for chexp where omat is not provided but niter,
3067// and which creates the temporary matrix array pl[n+1] internally
3068template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
3069inline Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> chexp(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, out_only int &niter) {
3070 static_assert(n == m, "chexp() only for square matrices");
3072 niter = chexp(mat, pl[0], pl);
3073 return pl[0];
3077// Calculate exp and dexp of a square matrix
3078// using iterative Cayley-Hamilton described in arXiv:2404.07704
3080 * @brief Calculate exp and dexp of a square matrix
3081 * @details Computation is done using iterative Cayley-Hamilton (cf. from arXiv:2404.07704)
3082 * @tparam n Number of rowsMa
3083 * @tparam T Matrix element type
3084 * @tparam MT Matrix type
3085 * @param mat Matrix to compute exponential for
3086 * @param omat Matrix to which exponential of mat gets stored
3087 * @param domat matrix of Matrices to which the derivatives of the exponential
3088 * with respect to the components of mat gets stored
3089 * @return void
3090 */
3091template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT, typename Mt,
3092 std::enable_if_t<Mt::is_matrix() && Mt::is_square() && Mt::rows() == n, int> = 0>
3093inline void chexp(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &omat,
3094 Mt(out_only &domat)[n][m]) {
3095 static_assert(n == m, "chexp() only for square matrices");
3096 // compute the first n matrix powers of mat and the corresponding traces :
3097 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> pl[n]; // the i-th matrix power of mat[][] is stored in pl[i][][]
3098 T trpl[n + 1]; // the trace of pl[i][][] is stored in trpl[i]
3099 trpl[0] = (T)n;
3100 pl[1] = mat;
3101 trpl[1] = trace(pl[1]);
3102 int i, j, k, l;
3103 for (i = 2; i < n; ++i) {
3104 j = i / 2;
3105 k = i % 2;
3106 mult(pl[j], pl[j + k], pl[i]);
3107 trpl[i] = trace(pl[i]);
3108 }
3109 j = n / 2;
3110 k = n % 2;
3111 trpl[n] = mul_trace(pl[j], pl[j + k]);
3113 // compute the characteristic polynomial coefficients crpl[] from the traced powers trpl[] :
3114 T crpl[n + 1];
3115 crpl[n] = 1;
3116 for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
3117 crpl[n - j] = -trpl[j];
3118 for (i = 1; i < j; ++i) {
3119 crpl[n - j] -= crpl[n - (j - i)] * trpl[i];
3120 }
3121 crpl[n - j] /= j;
3122 }
3124 const int mmax = 15 * n; // maximum number of iterations if no convergence is reached
3125 T al[n], pal[n]; // temp. Cayley-Hamilton coefficents
3126 hila::arithmetic_type<T>
3127 wpf = 1.0,
3128 twpf = 1.0; // initial values for power series coefficnet and its running sum
3130 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> kmats = 0, kh = 0; // matrices required for derivative terms
3132 // set initial values for the n entries in al[] and pal[], as well as for kmats and kh:
3133 // (note: since kmats and kh are symmetric, we operate only on their upper triangles)
3134 for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
3135 pal[i] = 0;
3136 al[i] = wpf;
3137 wpf /= (i + 1); // compute (i+1)-th power series coefficent from the i-th coefficient
3138 k = i / 2;
3139 for (j = i - k; j <= i; ++j) {
3140 kmats.e(i - j, j) = wpf;
3141 }
3142 twpf += wpf;
3143 }
3144 pal[n - 1] = 1.0;
3145 k = (n - 1) / 2;
3146 for (i = n - 1 - k; i < n; ++i) {
3147 kh.e(n - 1 - i, i) = 1;
3148 }
3150 // next we iteratively add higher order power series terms to al[] till al[] stops changing
3151 // more precisely: the iteration will terminate as soon as twpf stops changing. Here twpf
3152 // is the sum \sum_{i=0}^{j} s_i/i!, with s_i referring to the magnitude the vector pal[]
3153 // would have at iteration i, if no renormalization were used.
3154 T cho; // temporary variables for iteration
3155 hila::arithmetic_type<T> ttwpf; // temporary variable for convergence check
3156 hila::arithmetic_type<T> s, rs = 1.0; // temp variables used for renormalization of pal[]
3157 for (j = n; j < mmax; ++j) {
3158 s = 0;
3159 cho = pal[n - 1] * rs;
3160 for (i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
3161 pal[i] = pal[i - 1] * rs - cho * crpl[i];
3162 s += ::squarenorm(pal[i]);
3163 al[i] += wpf * pal[i];
3164 }
3165 pal[0] = -cho * crpl[0];
3166 s += ::squarenorm(pal[0]);
3167 al[0] += wpf * pal[0];
3169 if (s > 1.0) {
3170 // if s is bigger than 1, normalize pal[] by a factor rs=1.0/s in next itaration,
3171 // and multiply wpf by s to compensate
3172 s = sqrt(s);
3173 wpf *= s / (j + 1);
3174 rs = 1.0 / s;
3175 } else {
3176 wpf /= (j + 1);
3177 rs = 1.0;
3178 }
3179 ttwpf = twpf;
3180 twpf += wpf;
3181 if (ttwpf == twpf) {
3182 // terminate iteration when numeric value of twpf stops changing
3183 break;
3184 }
3186 // add new terms to kmats and update kh :
3187 // (note: since kmats and kh are symmetric, we operate only on their upper triangles)
3188 for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
3189 cho = kh.e(i, n - 1) * rs;
3190 for (k = n - 1; k > i; --k) {
3191 kh.e(i, k) = kh.e(i, k - 1) * rs - cho * crpl[k];
3192 kmats.e(i, k) += wpf * kh.e(i, k);
3193 }
3194 if (i > 0) {
3195 kh.e(i, i) = kh.e(i - 1, i) * rs - cho * crpl[i];
3196 } else {
3197 kh.e(i, i) = pal[i] * rs - cho * crpl[i];
3198 }
3199 kmats.e(i, i) += wpf * kh.e(i, i);
3200 }
3201 }
3203 // form output matrix omat = exp(mat) :
3204 omat = al[0];
3205 for (k = 1; k < n; ++k) {
3206 mult_add(al[k], pl[k], omat);
3207 }
3209 // form output matrix of derivative matrices domat[ic1][ic2] = dexp(mat)/dmat^{ic2}_{ic1} :
3210 // ( i.e. domat[ic1][ic2].e(k, l) = dexp(mat)^k_l/dmat^{ic2}_{ic1}
3211 // = \sum_{i,j} kmats_{i,j} (mat^i)^{ic1}_l (mat^j)^k_{ic2} )
3212 // (note: in principle one could use symmetry domat[ic1][ic2].e(k, l) = domat[l][k].e(ic2, ic1),
3213 // which would amount to (i, j) <--> (j, i) with i = ic1 + n * ic2; j = l + n * k; )
3215 // i=0: (treat i=0 case separately, since pl[0]=id is not used to avoid matrix-mult. by id)
3216 // j=0: (treat j=0 case separately, since pl[0]=id is not used)
3217 kh = kmats.e(0, 0);
3218 // j>0:
3219 for (j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
3220 mult_add(kmats.e(0, j), pl[j], kh);
3221 }
3222 int ic1, ic2;
3223 for (ic1 = 0; ic1 < n; ++ic1) {
3224 for (ic2 = 0; ic2 < n; ++ic2) {
3225 Mt &tdomat = domat[ic1][ic2];
3226 tdomat = 0;
3227 for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
3228 tdomat.e(k, ic1) += kh.e(k, ic2);
3229 }
3230 }
3231 }
3232 // i>0:
3233 for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
3234 // j=0: (treat j=0 case separately, since pl[0]=id is not used)
3235 kh = kmats.e(0, i);
3236 // j>0: (note: kmats is symmetric; only have upper triangle set)
3237 for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
3238 mult_add(kmats.e(j, i), pl[j], kh);
3239 }
3240 for (j = i; j < n; ++j) {
3241 mult_add(kmats.e(i, j), pl[j], kh);
3242 }
3243 for (ic1 = 0; ic1 < n; ++ic1) {
3244 for (ic2 = 0; ic2 < n; ++ic2) {
3245 Mt &tdomat = domat[ic1][ic2];
3246 for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
3247 for (l = 0; l < n; ++l) {
3248 tdomat.e(k, l) += pl[i].e(ic1, l) * kh.e(k, ic2);
3249 }
3250 }
3251 }
3252 }
3253 }
3259 * @brief Calculate exp(mat).dagger()*mmat*exp(mat) and trace(exp(mat).dagger*mmat*dexp(mat))
3260 * @details exp and dexp computation is done using iterative Cayley-Hamilton (arXiv:2404.07704)
3261 * Calculate omat[i][j] = (exp(mat).dagger() * mmat * exp(mat))[i][j]
3262 * and domat[i][j] = trace(exp(mat).dagger() * mmat * dexp(mat)/dmat[j][i]) for
3263 * given matrices mat and mmat, using iterative Cayley-Hamilton method (arXiv:2404.07704)
3264 * for computing exp(mat) and dexp(mat)/dmat[][]
3265 * @tparam n Number of rowsMa
3266 * @tparam T Matrix element type
3267 * @tparam MT Matrix type
3268 * @param mat Matrix to compute exponential for
3269 * @param mmat Matrix to multiply with
3270 * @param omat Matrix to which exp(mat).dagger()*mmat*exp(mat) gets stored
3271 * @param domat matrix to which trace(exp(mat).dagger()*mmat*dexp(mat)) gets stored
3272 * @return void
3273 */
3274template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
3275inline void mult_chexp(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mmat,
3276 out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &omat,
3277 out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &domat) {
3278 static_assert(n == m, "mult_chexp() only for square matrices");
3280 // compute the first n matrix powers of mat and the corresponding traces :
3281 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> pl[n]; // the i-th matrix power of mat[][] is stored in pl[i][][]
3282 T trpl[n + 1]; // the trace of pl[i][][] is stored in trpl[i]
3283 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &texp = pl[0]; // temp. storage for result of exponentiation
3285 pl[1] = mat;
3286 trpl[1] = trace(pl[1]);
3287 int i, j, k;
3288 for (i = 2; i < n; ++i) {
3289 j = i / 2;
3290 k = i % 2;
3291 mult(pl[j], pl[j + k], pl[i]);
3292 trpl[i] = trace(pl[i]);
3293 }
3294 // n-th power of mat
3295 j = n / 2;
3296 k = n % 2;
3297 trpl[n] = mul_trace(pl[j], pl[j + k]);
3299 // compute the characteristic polynomial coefficients crpl[] from the traced powers trpl[] :
3300 T crpl[n + 1];
3301 crpl[n] = 1;
3302 for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
3303 crpl[n - j] = -trpl[j];
3304 for (i = 1; i < j; ++i) {
3305 crpl[n - j] -= crpl[n - (j - i)] * trpl[i];
3306 }
3307 crpl[n - j] /= j;
3308 }
3310 const int mmax = 15 * n; // maximum number of iterations if no convergence is reached
3311 T al[n], pal[n]; // temp. Cayley-Hamilton coefficents
3312 hila::arithmetic_type<T>
3313 wpf = 1.0,
3314 twpf = 1.0; // initial values for power series coefficnet and its running sum
3316 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> kmats = 0, kh = 0; // matrices required for derivative terms
3318 // set initial values for the n entries in al[] and pal[], as well as for kmats and kh:
3319 // (note: since kmats and kh are symmetric, we operate only on their upper triangles)
3320 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
3321 pal[i] = 0;
3322 al[i] = wpf;
3323 wpf /= (i + 1); // compute (i+1)-th power series coefficent from the i-th coefficient
3324 k = i / 2;
3325 for (j = i - k; j <= i; ++j) {
3326 kmats.e(i - j, j) = wpf;
3327 }
3328 twpf += wpf;
3329 }
3330 pal[n - 1] = 1.0;
3331 k = (n - 1) / 2;
3332 for (i = n - 1 - k; i < n; ++i) {
3333 kh.e(n - 1 - i, i) = 1.0;
3334 }
3336 // next we iteratively add higher order power series terms to al[] till al[] stops changing
3337 // more precisely: the iteration will terminate as soon as twpf stops changing. Here twpf
3338 // is the sum \sum_{i=0}^{j} s_i/i!, with s_i referring to the magnitude the vector pal[]
3339 // would have at iteration i, if no renormalization were used.
3340 T cho; // temporary variable for iteration
3341 hila::arithmetic_type<T> ttwpf; // temporary variable for convergence check
3342 hila::arithmetic_type<T> s, rs = 1.0; // temp variables used for renormalization of pal[]
3343 for (j = n; j < mmax; ++j) {
3344 s = 0;
3345 cho = pal[n - 1] * rs;
3346 for (i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
3347 pal[i] = pal[i - 1] * rs - cho * crpl[i];
3348 s += ::squarenorm(pal[i]);
3349 al[i] += wpf * pal[i];
3350 }
3351 pal[0] = -cho * crpl[0];
3352 s += ::squarenorm(pal[0]);
3353 al[0] += wpf * pal[0];
3355 if (s > 1.0) {
3356 // if s is bigger than 1, normalize pal[] by a factor rs=1.0/s in next itaration,
3357 // and multiply wpf by s to compensate
3358 s = sqrt(s);
3359 wpf *= s / (j + 1);
3360 rs = 1.0 / s;
3361 } else {
3362 wpf /= (j + 1);
3363 rs = 1.0;
3364 }
3365 ttwpf = twpf;
3366 twpf += wpf;
3367 if (ttwpf == twpf) {
3368 // terminate iteration when numeric value of twpf stops changing
3369 break;
3370 }
3372 // add new terms to kmats and update kh :
3373 // (note: since kmats and kh are symmetric, we operate only on their upper triangles)
3374 for (i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) {
3375 cho = kh.e(i, n - 1) * rs;
3376 for (k = n - 1; k > i; --k) {
3377 kh.e(i, k) = kh.e(i,k-1) * rs -cho * crpl[k];
3378 kmats.e(i, k) += wpf * kh.e(i, k);
3379 }
3380 if(i>0) {
3381 kh.e(i, i) = kh.e(i - 1, i) * rs - cho * crpl[i];
3382 } else {
3383 kh.e(i, i) = pal[i] * rs - cho * crpl[i];
3384 }
3385 kmats.e(i, i) += wpf * kh.e(i, i);
3386 }
3387 }
3389 // from matrix texp = exp(mat):
3390 texp = al[0];
3391 for (k = 1; k < n; ++k) {
3392 mult_add(al[k], pl[k], texp);
3393 }
3395 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> tomat; // temp. storage for compuatation of derivative term
3396 // set tomat = exp(mat) * mmat
3397 // tomat = texp.dagger() * mmat;
3398 mult(texp.dagger(), mmat, tomat);
3400 // computing domat[ic1][ic2] = tr(exp(mat).dagger() * mmat * dexp(mat)/dU^{ic2}_{ic1})
3401 // from kmats[][] and the matrix powers of mat[][]:
3402 // domat = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} pl[i] * tomat * \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} kmats[i][j] * pl[j]
3404 // i=0: (treat i=0 case separately, since pl[0]=id is not used to avoid matrix-mult. by id)
3405 // j=0: (treat j=0 case separately, since pl[0]=id is not used)
3406 kh = kmats.e(0, 0);
3407 // j>0:
3408 for (j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
3409 mult_add(kmats.e(0, j), pl[j], kh);
3410 }
3412 mult(tomat, kh, domat);
3413 // i>0:
3414 for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
3415 // j=0: (treat j=0 case separately, since pl[0]=id is not used)
3416 kh = kmats.e(0, i);
3417 // j>0: (note: kmats is symmetric; only have upper triangle set)
3418 for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
3419 mult_add(kmats.e(j, i), pl[j], kh);
3420 }
3421 for (j = i; j < n; ++j) {
3422 mult_add(kmats.e(i, j), pl[j], kh);
3423 }
3424 mult(pl[i], tomat, omat);
3425 mult_add(omat, kh, domat);
3426 }
3428 // setting omat = exp(mat).dagger() * mmat * exp(mat) = tomat * exp(mat) :
3429 // omat = tomat * texp;
3430 mult(tomat, texp, omat);
3434// Calculate exp and dexp of a square matrix
3435// using iterative Cayley-Hamilton described in arXiv:2404.07704
3437 * @brief Calculate exp(mat) and the decomposition k_{i,j} of dexp in terms bilinears of powers
3438 * of mat
3439 * @details Computation is done using iterative Cayley-Hamilton (cf. from arXiv:2404.07704)
3440 * exp(mat)^a_b = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} r_{i} (mat^i)^a_b
3441 * dexp(X)^a_b/dX^c_d|_X=mat = \sum_{i,j=0}^{n-1} k_{i,j} (mat^i)^d_b (mat^j)^a_c
3442 * @tparam n Number of rows of Matrix
3443 * @tparam m Number of columns of Matrix
3444 * @tparam T Matrix element type
3445 * @tparam MT Matrix type
3446 * @param mat Matrix of which to compute exponential
3447 * @param omat Matrix to which exponential of mat gets stored
3448 * @param kmats Matrix to which decomposition coefficients of dexp/dX|X=mat in terms
3449 * of bilinears of powers of mat get stroed
3450 * @return void
3451 */
3452template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
3453inline void chexpk(const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mat, out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &omat,
3454 out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &kmats) {
3455 static_assert(n == m, "chexpk() only for square matrices");
3456 // compute the first n matrix powers of mat and the corresponding traces :
3457 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> pl[n]; // the i-th matrix power of mat[][] is stored in pl[i][][]
3458 T trpl[n + 1]; // the trace of pl[i][][] is stored in trpl[i]
3459 trpl[0] = (T)n;
3460 pl[1] = mat;
3461 trpl[1] = trace(pl[1]);
3462 int i, j, k, l;
3463 for (i = 2; i < n; ++i) {
3464 j = i / 2;
3465 k = i % 2;
3466 mult(pl[j], pl[j + k], pl[i]);
3467 trpl[i] = trace(pl[i]);
3468 }
3469 j = n / 2;
3470 k = n % 2;
3471 trpl[n] = mul_trace(pl[j], pl[j + k]);
3473 // compute the characteristic polynomial coefficients crpl[] from the traced powers trpl[] :
3474 T crpl[n + 1];
3475 crpl[n] = 1;
3476 for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
3477 crpl[n - j] = -trpl[j];
3478 for (i = 1; i < j; ++i) {
3479 crpl[n - j] -= crpl[n - (j - i)] * trpl[i];
3480 }
3481 crpl[n - j] /= j;
3482 }
3484 const int mmax = 15 * n; // maximum number of iterations if no convergence is reached
3485 T al[n], pal[n]; // temp. Cayley-Hamilton coefficents
3486 hila::arithmetic_type<T>
3487 wpf = 1.0,
3488 twpf = 1.0; // initial values for power series coefficnet and its running sum
3490 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> kh = 0; // temp. matrix required for derivative terms
3491 kmats = 0;
3493 // set initial values for the n entries in al[] and pal[], as well as for kmats and kh:
3494 // (note: since kmats and kh are symmetric, we operate only on their upper triangles)
3495 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
3496 pal[i] = 0;
3497 al[i] = wpf;
3498 wpf /= (i + 1); // compute (i+1)-th power series coefficent from the i-th coefficient
3499 k = i / 2;
3500 for (j = i - k; j <= i; ++j) {
3501 kmats.e(i - j, j) = wpf;
3502 }
3503 twpf += wpf;
3504 }
3505 pal[n - 1] = 1.0;
3506 k = (n - 1) / 2;
3507 for (i = n - 1 - k; i < n; ++i) {
3508 kh.e(n - 1 - i, i) = 1;
3509 }
3511 // next we iteratively add higher order power series terms to al[] till al[] stops changing
3512 // more precisely: the iteration will terminate as soon as twpf stops changing. Here twpf
3513 // is the sum \sum_{i=0}^{j} s_i/i!, with s_i referring to the magnitude the vector pal[]
3514 // would have at iteration i, if no renormalization were used.
3515 T cho, tcrp; // temporary variables for iteration
3516 hila::arithmetic_type<T> ttwpf; // temporary variable for convergence check
3517 hila::arithmetic_type<T> s, rs = 1.0; // temp variables used for renormalization of pal[]
3518 int jmax = mmax - 1;
3519 for (j = n; j < mmax; ++j) {
3520 s = 0;
3521 cho = pal[n - 1] * rs;
3522 for (i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
3523 pal[i] = pal[i - 1] * rs - cho * crpl[i];
3524 s += ::squarenorm(pal[i]);
3525 al[i] += wpf * pal[i];
3526 }
3527 pal[0] = -cho * crpl[0];
3528 s += ::squarenorm(pal[0]);
3529 al[0] += wpf * pal[0];
3531 if (s > 1.0) {
3532 // if s is bigger than 1, normalize pal[] by a factor rs=1.0/s in next itaration,
3533 // and multiply wpf by s to compensate
3534 s = sqrt(s);
3535 wpf *= s / (j + 1);
3536 rs = 1.0 / s;
3537 } else {
3538 wpf /= (j + 1);
3539 rs = 1.0;
3540 }
3541 ttwpf = twpf;
3542 twpf += wpf;
3543 if (ttwpf == twpf) {
3544 // terminate iteration when numeric value of twpf stops changing
3545 jmax = j;
3546 break;
3547 }
3549 // add new terms to kmats and update kh :
3550 // (note: since kmats and kh are symmetric, we operate only on their upper triangles)
3551 for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
3552 cho = kh.e(i, n - 1) * rs;
3553 for (k = n - 1; k > i; --k) {
3554 kh.e(i, k) = kh.e(i, k - 1) * rs - cho * crpl[k];
3555 kmats.e(i, k) += wpf * kh.e(i, k);
3556 }
3557 if (i > 0) {
3558 kh.e(i, i) = kh.e(i - 1, i) * rs - cho * crpl[i];
3559 } else {
3560 kh.e(i, i) = pal[i] * rs - cho * crpl[i];
3561 }
3562 kmats.e(i, i) += wpf * kh.e(i, i);
3563 }
3564 }
3566 // form output matrix omat :
3567 omat = al[0];
3568 for (k = 1; k < n; ++k) {
3569 mult_add(al[k], pl[k], omat);
3570 }
3573// overload wrapper for chexpk where omat is not provided
3574template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
3576 out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &kmat) {
3577 static_assert(n == m, "chexpk() only for square matrices");
3579 chexpk(mat, omat, kmat);
3580 return omat;
3584 * @brief Calculate exp(mat).dagger()*mmat*exp(mat) and trace(exp(mat).dagger*mmat*dexp(mat))
3585 * from output of chexpk
3586 * @details exp is given and dexp computation is done using decompisition matrix kmats_{i,j},
3587 * as computed by chexpk using iterative Cayley-Hamilton (arXiv:2404.07704)
3588 * Calculate omat[i][j] = (exp(mat).dagger() * mmat * exp(mat))[i][j]
3589 * and domat[i][j] = trace(exp(mat).dagger() * mmat * dexp(mat)/dmat[j][i]) for
3590 * given matrices mat, exp(mat), kmats, and mmat
3591 * @tparam n Number of rowsMa
3592 * @tparam T Matrix element type
3593 * @tparam MT Matrix type
3594 * @param mat Matrix to compute exponential for
3595 * @param texp Matrix containing exp(mat)
3596 * @param kmats Matrix containing decomposition coefficients k_{i,j} of
3597 * dexp(X)^a_b/dX^c_d = k_{i,j} (X^i)^d_b (X^j)^a_c
3598 * @param mmat Matrix to multiply with
3599 * @param omat Matrix to which exp(mat).dagger()*mmat*exp(mat) gets stored
3600 * @param domat matrix to which trace(exp(mat).dagger()*mmat*dexp(mat)) gets stored
3601 * @return void
3602 */
3603template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
3605 const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &kmats, const Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &mmat,
3606 out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &omat,
3607 out_only Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> &domat) {
3608 static_assert(n == m, "mult_chexp() only for square matrices");
3609 // compute the first n matrix powers of mat and the corresponding traces :
3610 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> pl[n]; // the i-th matrix power of tU[][] is stored in pl[i][][]
3611 Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT> tomat, kh; // temp. storage for compuatation of derivative term
3613 pl[1] = mat;
3614 int i, j, k;
3615 for (i = 2; i < n; ++i) {
3616 j = i / 2;
3617 k = i % 2;
3618 mult(pl[j], pl[j + k], pl[i]);
3619 }
3621 // tomat = texp.dagger() * mmat;
3622 mult(texp.dagger(), mmat, tomat);
3624 // computing domat[ic1][ic2] = tr(exp(mat).dagger() * mmat * dexp(mat)/dU^{ic2}_{ic1})
3625 // from kmats[][] and the matrix powers of mat[][]:
3626 // domat = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} pl[i] * tomat * \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} kmats[i][j] * pl[j]
3628 // i=0: (treat i=0 case separately, since pl[0]=id is not used to avoid matrix-mult. by id)
3629 // j=0: (treat j=0 case separately, since pl[0]=id is not used)
3630 kh = kmats.e(0, 0);
3631 // j>0:
3632 for (j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
3633 mult_add(kmats.e(0, j), pl[j], kh);
3634 }
3636 mult(tomat, kh, domat);
3637 // i>0:
3638 for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
3639 // j=0: (treat j=0 case separately, since pl[0]=id is not used)
3640 kh = kmats.e(0, i);
3641 // j>0: (note: kmats is symmetric; only have upper triangle set)
3642 for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
3643 mult_add(kmats.e(j, i), pl[j], kh);
3644 }
3645 for (j = i; j < n; ++j) {
3646 mult_add(kmats.e(i, j), pl[j], kh);
3647 }
3648 mult(pl[i], tomat, omat);
3649 mult_add(omat, kh, domat);
3650 }
3652 // setting omat = exp(mat).dagger() * mmat * exp(mat) = tomat * exp(mat) :
3653 // omat = tomat * texp;
3654 mult(tomat, texp, omat);
3658// Calculate exp of a square matrix
3659// using iterative Cayley-Hamilton described in arXiv:2404.07704
3661 * @brief Calculate exp of a square matrix
3662 * @details Computation is done using iterative Cayley-Hamilton (cf. from arXiv:2404.07704) with
3663 minimal temporary storage
3665 * @tparam n Number of rowsMa
3666 * @tparam T Matrix element type
3667 * @tparam MT Matrix type
3668 * @param mat Matrix to compute exponential for
3669 * @return Matrix_t<n, m, T, MT>
3670 */
3671template <int n, int m, typename T, typename MT>
3673 static_assert(n == m, "chsexp() only for square matrices");
3675 // compute the characteristic polynomial coefficients crpl[] with the Faddeev-LeVerrier
3676 // algorithm :
3677 int i, j, k;
3679 T crpl[n + 1];
3680 crpl[n] = 1.0;
3681 int ip = 0;
3682 tB[ip] = 1.;
3683 T tc = trace(mat);
3684 crpl[n - 1] = tc;
3685 tB[1 - ip] = mat;
3686 for (k = 2; k <= n; ++k) {
3687 tB[1 - ip] -= tc;
3688 mult(mat, tB[1 - ip], tB[ip]);
3689 tc = trace(tB[ip]) / k;
3690 crpl[n - k] = tc;
3691 ip = 1 - ip;
3692 }
3695 int mmax = 15 * n; // maximum number of Cayley-Hamilton iterations if no convergence is reached
3696 T al[n], pal[n]; // temp. Cayley-Hamilton coefficents
3697 hila::arithmetic_type<T> wpf = 1.0, twpf = 1.0, ttwpf; // leading coefficient of power series
3698 // set initial values for the n entries in al[] and pal[] :
3699 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
3700 pal[i] = 0;
3701 al[i] = wpf;
3702 wpf /= (i + 1); // compute (i+1)-th power series coefficent from the i-th coefficient
3703 twpf += wpf;
3704 }
3705 pal[n - 1] = 1.0;
3707 // next we iteratively add higher order power series terms to al[] till al[] stops changing
3708 // more precisely: the iteration will terminate as soon as twpf stops changing. Here twpf
3709 // is the sum \sum_{i=0}^{j} s_i/i!, with s_i referring to the magnitude the vector pal[]
3710 // would have at iteration i, if no renormalization were used.
3711 T ch, cho; // temporary variables for iteration
3712 hila::arithmetic_type<T> s, rs = 1.0; // temp variables used for renormalization of pal[]
3713 for (j = n; j < mmax; ++j) {
3714 pal[n - 1] *= rs;
3715 ch = -pal[n - 1] * crpl[0];
3716 cho = pal[0] * rs;
3717 pal[0] = ch;
3718 s = ::squarenorm(ch);
3719 al[0] += wpf * ch;
3720 for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
3721 ch = cho - pal[n - 1] * crpl[i];
3722 cho = pal[i] * rs;
3723 pal[i] = ch;
3724 s += ::squarenorm(ch);
3725 al[i] += wpf * ch;
3726 }
3727 if (s > 1.0) {
3728 // if s is bigger than 1, normalize pal[] by a factor rs=1.0/s in next itaration,
3729 // and multiply wpf by s to compensate
3730 s = sqrt(s);
3731 wpf *= s / (j + 1);
3732 rs = 1.0 / s;
3733 } else {
3734 wpf /= (j + 1);
3735 rs = 1.0;
3736 }
3737 ttwpf = twpf;
3738 twpf += wpf;
3739 if (ttwpf == twpf) {
3740 // terminate iteration
3741 break;
3742 }
3743 }
3744 // if(hila::myrank()==0) {
3745 // std::cout<<"chsexp niter: "<<j<<" ("<<j-n<<")"<<std::endl;
3746 // }
3748 // form output matrix:
3749 ip = 0;
3750 tB[ip] = mat;
3751 tB[ip] *= al[n - 1];
3752 tB[ip] += al[n - 2];
3753 for (i = 2; i < n; ++i) {
3754 mult(tB[ip], mat, tB[1 - ip]);
3755 tB[1 - ip] += al[n - i - 1];
3756 ip = 1 - ip;
3757 }
3759 return tB[ip];
3763#include "datatypes/array.h"
3765#include "datatypes/diagonal_matrix.h"
3767#include "datatypes/matrix_linalg.h"
3769// #include "datatypes/dagger.h"
Definition of Array class.
Array< n, m, T > sqrt(Array< n, m, T > a)
Square root.
Definition array.h:1039
Array< n, m, T > operator*(Array< n, m, T > a, const Array< n, m, T > &b)
Multiplication operator.
Definition array.h:861
Array< n, m, Ntype > cast_to(const Array< n, m, T > &mat)
Array casting operation.
Definition array.h:1289
Array type
Definition array.h:43
Complex definition.
Definition cmplx.h:56
Define type DiagonalMatrix<n,T>
T e(const int i) const
Element access - e(i) gives diagonal element i.
The main matrix type template Matrix_t. This is a base class type for "useful" types which are deriv...
Definition matrix.h:106
void set_column(int c, const Vector< n, S > &v)
get column of a matrix
Definition matrix.h:395
void mult_by_2x2_left(int p, int q, const Matrix_t< 2, 2, R, Mt > &M)
Multiply -matrix from the left by matrix defined by sub matrix.
Definition matrix.h:1473
T trace() const
Computes Trace for Matrix.
Definition matrix.h:1079
Vector< n, T > column(int c) const
Returns column vector as value at index c.
Definition matrix.h:368
hila::arithmetic_type< T > norm() const
Calculate vector norm - sqrt of squarenorm.
Definition matrix.h:1133
void set_row(int r, const RowVector< m, S > &v)
Set row of Matrix with RowVector if types are assignable.
Definition matrix.h:357
auto & operator=(const Matrix_t< n, m, S, MT > &rhs) &
Assignment operator = to assign values to matrix.
Definition matrix.h:594
static constexpr int rows()
Define constant methods rows(), columns() - may be useful in template code.
Definition matrix.h:226
const auto & fill(const S rhs)
Matrix fill.
Definition matrix.h:937
static constexpr int columns()
Returns column length.
Definition matrix.h:234
Mtype & random()
dot with matrix - matrix
Definition matrix.h:1296
void mult_by_2x2_right(int p, int q, const Matrix_t< 2, 2, R, Mt > &M)
Multiply -matrix from the right by matrix defined by sub matrix.
Definition matrix.h:1502
Mtype sort(Vector< N, int > &permutation, hila::sort order=hila::sort::ascending) const
Sort method for Vector.
Definition matrix.h:1416
Matrix< n, m, hila::arithmetic_type< T > > imag() const
Returns imaginary part of Matrix or Vector.
Definition matrix.h:1064
void set_diagonal(const Vector< n, S > &v)
Set diagonal of square matrix to Vector which is passed to the method.
Definition matrix.h:430
auto & operator-=(const Matrix_t< n, m, S, MT > &rhs) &
Subtract assign operator with matrix or scalar.
Definition matrix.h:726
const RowVector< n, T > & transpose() const
Transpose of vector.
Definition matrix.h:971
const auto & operator+() const
Unary + operator.
Definition matrix.h:507
static constexpr int size()
Returns size of Vector or square Matrix.
Definition matrix.h:248
Mtype permute(const Vector< N, int > &permutation) const
Permute elements of vector.
Definition matrix.h:1377
Define default constructors to ensure std::is_trivial.
Mtype conj() const
Returns complex conjugate of Matrix.
Definition matrix.h:986
Mtype permute_rows(const Vector< n, int > &permutation) const
permute rows of Matrix
Definition matrix.h:1361
static constexpr bool is_vector()
Returns true if Matrix is a vector.
Definition matrix.h:132
T det() const
determinant function - if matrix size is < 5, use Laplace, otherwise LU
auto abs() const
Returns absolute value of Matrix.
Definition matrix.h:1031
Matrix< n, p, R > outer_product(const Matrix< p, q, S > &rhs) const
Outer product.
Definition matrix.h:1263
T max() const
Find max or min value - only for arithmetic types.
Definition matrix.h:1148
Rtype dagger() const
Hermitian conjugate of matrix.
Definition matrix.h:1002
Matrix< n, m, hila::arithmetic_type< T > > real() const
Returns real part of Matrix or Vector.
Definition matrix.h:1051
bool operator!=(const Matrix< n, m, S > &rhs) const
Boolean operator != to check if matrices are exactly different.
Definition matrix.h:544
int eigen_hermitean(DiagonalMatrix< n, Et > &eigenvalues, Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &eigenvectors, enum hila::sort sorted=hila::sort::unsorted) const
Calculate eigenvalues and -vectors of an hermitean (or symmetric) matrix.
int svd_pivot(Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &_U, DiagonalMatrix< n, Et > &_D, Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &_V, enum hila::sort sorted=hila::sort::unsorted) const
Singular value decomposition: divide matrix A = U S V*, where U,V unitary and S diagonal matrix of re...
bool operator==(const Matrix< n2, m2, S > &rhs) const
Boolean operator == to determine if two matrices are exactly the same.
Definition matrix.h:522
T c[n *m]
The data as a one dimensional array.
Definition matrix.h:110
auto & operator+=(const Matrix_t< n, m, S, MT > &rhs) &
Add assign operator with matrix or scalar.
Definition matrix.h:690
Mtype & gaussian_random(base_type width=1.0)
Fills Matrix with gaussian random elements.
Definition matrix.h:1314
T e(const int i, const int j) const
Standard array indexing operation for matrices and vectors.
Definition matrix.h:286
T det_laplace() const
Determinant of matrix, using Laplace method.
RowVector< m, T > row(int r) const
Return row of a matrix as a RowVector.
Definition matrix.h:342
const DiagonalMatrix< n, T > & asDiagonalMatrix() const
Cast Vector to DiagonalMatrix.
Definition matrix.h:458
Rtype transpose() const
Transpose of matrix.
Definition matrix.h:954
auto & operator*=(const DiagonalMatrix< m, S > &rhs) &
mult and divide assign a diagonal - cols must match diagonal matrix rows
Definition matrix.h:900
hila::type_mul< T, S > mul_trace(const Matrix_t< p, q, S, MT > &rm) const
Multiply with given matrix and compute trace of result.
Definition matrix.h:1100
T operator[](const int i) const
Indexing operation [] defined only for vectors.
Definition matrix.h:327
int svd(Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &_U, DiagonalMatrix< n, Et > &_D, Matrix_t< n, n, Mt, MT > &_V, enum hila::sort sorted=hila::sort::unsorted) const
Singular value decomposition: divide matrix A = U S V*, where U,V unitary and S diagonal matrix of re...
auto & operator+=(const DiagonalMatrix< n, S > &rhs) &
add and sub assign a DiagonalMatrix
Definition matrix.h:877
Mtype permute_columns(const Vector< m, int > &permutation) const
permute columns of Matrix
Definition matrix.h:1347
R dot(const Matrix< p, q, S > &rhs) const
Dot product.
Definition matrix.h:1220
T det_lu() const
following calculate the determinant of a square matrix det() is the generic interface,...
const Array< n, m, T > & asArray() const
Cast Matrix to Array.
Definition matrix.h:443
Mtype operator-() const
Unary - operator.
Definition matrix.h:493
auto & operator/=(const S rhs) &
Divide assign scalar.
Definition matrix.h:863
DiagonalMatrix< n, T > diagonal()
Return diagonal of square matrix.
Definition matrix.h:406
std::string str(int prec=8, char separator=' ') const
Definition matrix.h:1587
Rtype adjoint() const
Adjoint of matrix.
Definition matrix.h:1019
auto & operator*=(const Matrix_t< m, p, S, MT > &rhs) &
Multiply assign scalar or matrix.
Definition matrix.h:796
hila::arithmetic_type< T > squarenorm() const
Calculate square norm - sum of squared elements.
Definition matrix.h:1117
static constexpr bool is_square()
Returns true if matrix is a square matrix.
Definition matrix.h:142
Matrix class which defines matrix operations.
Definition matrix.h:1620
hila::arithmetic_type< T > base_type
std incantation for field types
Definition matrix.h:1624
Definition of Complex types.
T arg(const Complex< T > &a)
Return argument of Complex number.
Definition cmplx.h:1199
This file defines all includes for HILA.
Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > chsexp(const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mat)
Calculate exp of a square matrix.
Definition matrix.h:3672
void mult_chexp(const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mat, const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mmat, Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &omat, Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &domat)
Calculate exp(mat).dagger()*mmat*exp(mat) and trace(exp(mat).dagger*mmat*dexp(mat))
Definition matrix.h:3275
int chexp(const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mat, Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &omat, Mt(&pl)[n])
Calculate exp of a square matrix.
Definition matrix.h:2933
auto dagger(const Mtype &arg)
Return dagger of Matrix.
Definition matrix.h:1813
void mult_exp(const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mat, const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mmat, Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &r, Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &dr, const int order=20)
Calculate mmat*exp(mat) and trace(mmat*dexp(mat))
Definition matrix.h:2888
Rtype operator+(const Mtype1 &a, const Mtype2 &b)
Addition operator.
Definition matrix.h:1946
auto abs(const Mtype &arg)
Return absolute value Matrix or Vector.
Definition matrix.h:1833
Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > exp(const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mat, const int order=20)
Calculate exp of a square matrix.
Definition matrix.h:2786
auto norm(const Mt &rhs)
Returns vector norm of Matrix.
Definition matrix.h:2743
void mult_add(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b, Mt3 &res)
compute product of two matrices and add result to existing matrix
Definition matrix.h:2437
void mult_chexpk_fast(const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mat, const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &texp, const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &kmats, const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mmat, Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &omat, Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &domat)
Calculate exp(mat).dagger()*mmat*exp(mat) and trace(exp(mat).dagger*mmat*dexp(mat)) from output of ch...
Definition matrix.h:3604
auto conj(const Mtype &arg)
Return conjugate Matrix or Vector.
Definition matrix.h:1777
void chexpk(const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mat, Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &omat, Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &kmats)
Calculate exp(mat) and the decomposition k_{i,j} of dexp in terms bilinears of powers of mat.
Definition matrix.h:3453
auto squarenorm(const Mt &rhs)
Returns square norm of Matrix.
Definition matrix.h:2729
void mult_sub(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b, Mt3 &res)
compute product of two matrices and subtract result from existing matrix
Definition matrix.h:2518
auto transpose(const Mtype &arg)
Return transposed Matrix or Vector.
Definition matrix.h:1757
Rtype operator-(const Mtype1 &a, const Mtype2 &b)
Subtraction operator.
Definition matrix.h:2022
auto real(const Mtype &arg)
Return real of Matrix or Vector.
Definition matrix.h:1874
auto imag(const Mtype &arg)
Return imaginary of Matrix or Vector.
Definition matrix.h:1894
void mult_aa(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b, Mt3 &res)
compute hermitian conjugate of product of two matrices and write result to existing matrix
Definition matrix.h:2356
void mult(const Mt1 &a, const Mt2 &b, Mt3 &res)
compute product of two matrices and write result to existing matrix
Definition matrix.h:2327
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &strm, const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &A)
Stream operator.
Definition matrix.h:2605
auto trace(const Mtype &arg)
Return trace of square Matrix.
Definition matrix.h:1854
auto mul_trace(const Mtype1 &a, const Mtype2 &b)
Returns trace of product of two matrices.
Definition matrix.h:2309
auto adjoint(const Mtype &arg)
Return adjoint Matrix.
Definition matrix.h:1797
Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > altexp(const Matrix_t< n, m, T, MT > &mat, int &niter)
Calculate exp of a square matrix.
Definition matrix.h:2820
Implement hila::swap for gauge fields.
Definition array.h:981
double random()
Real valued uniform random number generator.
Definition hila_gpu.cpp:121
double gaussrand()
Gaussian random generation routine.
Definition random.cpp:233
double gaussrand2(double &out2)
hila::gaussrand2 returns 2 Gaussian distributed random numbers with variance .
Definition random.cpp:181
decltype(std::declval< A >()+std::declval< B >()) type_plus
Definition type_tools.h:103
std::string to_string(const Array< n, m, T > &A, int prec=8, char separator=' ')
Converts Array object to string.
Definition array.h:995
type to store the return value of eigen_hermitean(): {E, U} where E is nxn DiagonalMatrix containing ...
Definition matrix.h:73
Definition cmplx.h:665
type to store the return combo of svd: {U, D, V} where U and V are nxn unitary / orthogonal,...
Definition matrix.h:61