No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NhilaImplement hila::swap for gauge fields
 NlinalgInversed diagnal + const. matrix using Sherman-Morrison formula
 CglobalGlobal variable class within hila namespace
 Chas_assign_zeroHila::has_assign_zero<T>::value returns true if '= 0 is defined for T
 Chas_unary_minusConditionally reture bool type false if type T does't have unary - operator
 CinputHila::input - Class for parsing runtime parameter files
 CreturntypeReturntype is a special class for resolving get("label") return type
 Cis_vectorizable_typeIs_vectorizable_type<T>::value is always false if the target is not vectorizable
 Ctimer_valueThis file defines timer class and other timing related utilities