▼Nhila | Implement hila::swap for gauge fields |
Nlinalg | Inversed diagnal + const. matrix using Sherman-Morrison formula |
Cbase_type_struct | |
Ccontains_type | |
Cglobal | Global variable class within hila namespace |
Chas_assign_zero | Hila::has_assign_zero<T>::value returns true if '= 0 is defined for T |
Chas_unary_minus | Conditionally reture bool type false if type T does't have unary - operator |
Cinner_type_struct | |
▼Cinput | Hila::input - Class for parsing runtime parameter files |
Creturntype | Returntype is a special class for resolving get("label") return type |
Cis_arithmetic | |
Cis_avx_vector | |
Cis_complex_or_arithmetic | Hila::is_complex_or_arithmetic<T>::value |
Cis_field_class_type | |
Cis_field_type | |
Cis_std_array | |
Cis_vectorizable_type | Is_vectorizable_type<T>::value is always false if the target is not vectorizable |
Ck_binning | |
Ctimer | |
Ctimer_value | This file defines timer class and other timing related utilities |
Cvector_info |