No Matches
hila::k_binning Class Reference

#include <spectraldensity.h>

Public Member Functions

template<typename T >
std::vector< T > bin_k_field (const Field< T > &f)
 Generic k-space field binner routine - returns field element type vector.
template<typename T >
std::vector< double > bin_k_field_squarenorm (const Field< T > &f)
 sum up the square norm of all elements
double bin_min (int i)
k_binningbins (int n)
 Set number of bins in histogram.
long count (int i)
 get the count of points within bin i
k_binningexact_bins (int e)
 Bin exactly this many bins.
double k (int i)
 Get the average k-value of bin i.
k_binningk_max (double km)
 Max value of k.
k_binningpower (double p)
 Bin quantity k^p.
void sd_calculate_bin_info ()
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< hila::contains_complex< T >::value, int > = 0>
std::vector< double > spectraldensity (const Field< T > &f)
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t<!hila::contains_complex< T >::value, int > = 0>
std::vector< double > spectraldensity (const Field< T > &f)
 interface for real fields - an extra copy which could be avoided

Detailed Description

class hila::k_binning is used to bin "k-space" fields (typically fourier transformed from real space). Vector k is normalized so that -pi < k_i <= pi, i.e. coordinate. Bin is determined by formula b = (int) ( (k/k_max)^p * n_bins ), where p is the power in binning - usually 1

hila::k_binning kb; kb.bins(80).k_max(M_PI); auto sd = kb.spectraldensity(f); // get the spectral density of field f

methods: (use as kb.xxx) hila::k_binning & bins(int n) set number of bins (k_max const.) int bins() get number of bins hila::k_binning & k_max(double m) set max value of k in binning if bins have been modified it is kept constant, otherwise number of bins is changed so that binwidth is const. double k_max() get max value of k hila::k_binning & power(double p) set the "power" in binning double power() get power hila::k_binning & binwidth(double w) set binwidth (k_max const, so bins changes) double binwidth() get binwidth

std::vector<T> bin_k_field(const Field<T> &f) bin the k-space field f std::vector<double> bin_k_field_squarenorm(const Field<T & f) bin the square norm of k-space field f std::vector<double> spectraldensity(const Field<T> &f) FFT real-space field f and bin the result in squarenorm

double k(int b) return the average k within bin b long count(int b) return the number of points within bin b double bin_min(int b) return the minimum k of bin b double bin_max(int b) maximum k in bin b

Definition at line 72 of file spectraldensity.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ bin_min()

double hila::k_binning::bin_min ( int  i)

Bin limits bin is b = floor((k / k_max)^p * n_bins) thus, k_min(b) = (b/n_bins)^(1/p) * k_max

Definition at line 337 of file spectraldensity.h.

◆ sd_calculate_bin_info()

void hila::k_binning::sd_calculate_bin_info ( )

Data structure to hold the binning info - two vectors, holding average k value in a bin and count of lattice points

Definition at line 278 of file spectraldensity.h.

◆ spectraldensity()

template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< hila::contains_complex< T >::value, int > = 0>
std::vector< double > hila::k_binning::spectraldensity ( const Field< T > &  f)

Spectral density This version takes in complex field

Definition at line 232 of file spectraldensity.h.

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