►Caction_base | |
Cfermion_action< gauge_field, Hasenbusch_operator< DIRAC_OP > > | |
CHasenbusch_action_1< gauge_field, DIRAC_OP > | |
CHasenbusch_action_2< gauge_field, DIRAC_OP > | |
Caction_sum | |
Cfermion_action< gauge_field, DIRAC_OP > | |
Cgauge_action< gauge_field > | |
Cgauge_momentum_action< gauge_field > | |
CAlgebra< T > | |
CAlgebra< SU2< T > > | |
Clattice_struct::allnodes | Information about all nodes |
Cargmap_val | Struct to hold structured information on used command line arguments |
CArray< n, m, T > | \( n\times m \) Array type |
Cbackend_lattice_struct | Helper class for loading the vectorized lattice |
Chila::base_type_struct< T, Enable > | |
Ccanonical_iteration | An internal struct parametrising the canonical weight iteration method |
CCG< Op > | The conjugate gradient operator. Applies the inverse square of an operator on a vector |
Clattice_struct::comm_node_struct | Information necessary to communicate with a node |
►CComplex< T > | Complex definition |
CImaginary_t< T > | Imaginary type, used to represent purely imaginary numbers |
Chila::contains_type< A, B, Enable > | |
CDiagonalMatrix< n, T > | Define type DiagonalMatrix<n,T> |
CDiagonalMatrix< M::size(), hila::arithmetic_type< M > > | |
Cdirac_staggered< matrix > | |
Cdirac_staggered_evenodd< matrix > | |
CDirac_Wilson< matrix > | |
CDirac_Wilson_evenodd< matrix > | |
Cdirect_iteration | An internal struct parametrising the direct weight iteration method |
Ceigen_result< M > | Type to store the return value of eigen_hermitean(): {E, U} where E is nxn DiagonalMatrix containing eigenvalues and U nxn unitary matrix, with eigenvector columns |
CField< T > | The field class implements the standard methods for accessing Fields. Hilapp replaces the parity access patterns, Field[par] with a loop over the appropriate sites. Since the Field class is one of the more important functionalities of HILA, extensive general instructions on the Field class can be read at HILA Functionality documentation |
CField< double > | |
CField< fund_type > | |
CField< gauge_type > | |
CField< matrix > | |
CField< repr > | |
CField< sun > | |
CField< vector_type > | |
Cfield_storage< T > | The field_storage struct contains minimal information for using the field in a loop. It is communicated to CUDA kernels and other accelerator functions |
►Cgauge_field_base< sun > | |
Cgauge_field< sun > | |
Cgauge_field< fund_type > | |
Cstout_smeared_field< sun > | |
Cgauge_field_base< fund_type > | |
Cgauge_field_base< M< N, double > > | Specialize double precision SU(N) matrix types |
►Cgauge_field_base< matrix > | |
Cgauge_field< matrix > | |
►Cgauge_field_base< repr > | |
Crepresented_gauge_field< repr > | |
CGaugeField< T > | Gauge field class |
Clattice_struct::gen_comminfo_struct | General communication |
Chila::global< T, custom > | Global variable class within hila namespace |
CHalfWilsonVector< N, T > | |
Chila::has_assign_zero< T, A > | Hila::has_assign_zero<T>::value returns true if '= 0 is defined for T |
Chila::has_unary_minus< T, A > | Conditionally reture bool type false if type T does't have unary - operator |
CHasenbusch_operator< Dirac_type > | |
CHasenbusch_operator< DIRAC_OP > | |
Chila_fft< cmplx_t > | |
Chila::inner_type_struct< T, Enable > | |
Chila::input | Hila::input - Class for parsing runtime parameter files |
►Cintegrator_base | |
►Caction_term_integrator | |
CO2_integrator | |
Cleapfrog_integrator | |
Cgauge_momentum_action< gauge_field > | |
Chila::is_arithmetic< T > | |
Chila::is_avx_vector< T > | |
Chila::is_complex_or_arithmetic< T > | Hila::is_complex_or_arithmetic<T>::value |
Chila::is_field_class_type< class, class > | |
Chila::is_field_type< class, class > | |
Chila::is_std_array< T > | |
Chila::is_vectorizable_type< T, A > | Is_vectorizable_type<T>::value is always false if the target is not vectorizable |
Chila::k_binning | |
Clattice_struct | |
Clogger_class | Define the logger class here |
CMatrix_t< n, m, T, Mtype > | The main \( n \times m \) matrix type template Matrix_t. This is a base class type for "useful" types which are derived from this |
►CMatrix_t< N *N - 1, 1, T, Algebra< SU< N, T > > > | |
CAlgebra< SU< N, T > > | |
►CMatrix_t< n, m, T, Matrix< n, m, T > > | |
CMatrix< N, Complex< T > > | |
CMatrix< 4, unsigned > | |
►CMatrix< n, m, T > | \( n \times m \) Matrix class which defines matrix operations |
CCoordinateVector_t< int > | |
CCoordinateVector_t< T > | Class for coordinate vector useful in indexing lattice |
CadjointRep< N, radix > | |
Cantisymmetric< N, radix > | |
Csymmetric< N, radix > | |
►CMatrix_t< N, N, Complex< T >, SU< N, T > > | |
CSU< N, T > | Class for SU(N) matrix |
Clattice_struct::nn_comminfo_struct | Nn-communication has only 1 node to talk to |
Cnode_info | Useful information about a node |
Clattice_struct::node_struct | Information about the node stored on this process |
CReduction< T > | Special reduction class: enables delayed and non-blocking reductions, which are not possible with the standard reduction. See user guide for details |
CReductionVector< T > | |
Chila::input::returntype | Returntype is a special class for resolving get("label") return type |
Cscalar< T > | |
Csd_k_bin_parameters | Sd_k_bin_parameters holds the parameters to define binning |
Csite_select_type_ | |
CSiteIndex | Running index for locating sites on the lattice |
CSU2< T > | |
Csvd_result< M > | Type to store the return combo of svd: {U, D, V} where U and V are nxn unitary / orthogonal, and D is real diagonal singular value matrices |
Chila::timer | |
Chila::timer_value | This file defines timer class and other timing related utilities |
CU1< T > | |
CVec4i | |
Chila::vector_info< T, A > | |
Cvectorize_struct< A, vector_size, Enable > | Replaces basetypes with vectors in a given templated class |
Cvectorize_struct< A, vector_size, typename std::enable_if_t< hila::is_arithmetic< A >::value > > | A is a basic type, so just return the matching vector type |
Cvectorized_lattice_struct< vector_size > | |
Cweight_iteration_parameters | An internal struct parametrising multicanonical methods |
CWilsonVector_t< Nvectors, N, T > | |
CX_index_type | X-coordinate type - "dummy" class |
CX_plus_direction | |
CX_plus_offset | X + coordinate offset, used in f[X+CoordinateVector] or f[X+dir1+dir2] etc |